by compound complex 1320 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    hi all

    I think I finally hit the exhaustion wall today. I'm just so tired and I ache everywhere, I could just about manage to walk when I came home tonight. Hopefully I'll get a really good night sleep and feel better by morning.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    We just had a quickly passing thunderstorm - torrential rainfall, high winds and lightning. Brought in a delicate fibrous begonia and took down the umbrellas. It passed almost as quickly as it came in. I got drenched the minute or so I was out.

    Get some rest and feel better soon, Sad emo.

    Thanx, da Ninj. Hope to see you and Janey soon. Who knows!

    A serene eve to all....

    CoCo Le Guy

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Hugs to you CoCo. I know the feeling - I had to ask a friend for a hug today too, it was just one of those days!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear BB,

    Hugs, too, to you! You are so kind. Maybe it's just the change in the weather. Like the storm, this too shall pass. Perhaps I'll take a stroll to my "Alone, but not lonely" thread...............




  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Good morning all

    Sounds as if we all need a group hug at the moment! Hope everyone's feeling better soon.

    I ache less today, slept fairly well apart from a couple of nightmares - I seem to have a lot just lately :-(

    CoCo I love thunderstorms (well, the ones we get over here anyway!), the air smells so fresh afterwards. It's an awesome force, out of the destruction comes freshness, hope and new life...

    Suppose I ought to do some work now. Have a blessed day all, whatever it brings.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Sad emo,

    Thank you so much for your usual good cheer. Yeah - group hugs! No more nightmares - sweet dreams only allowed!

    Nathan hale born today.

    YMCA "born" today.

    Just now heard the above on NPR; missed the year of birth.

    Whatever happens, a blessed day to all..........


  • jgnat

    A baby robin is being raised in our yard. He fell out of the nest early, and he's been hobbling and wobbling amongst my geraniums. Mom and pop keep an eye on him and when we finally leave they swoop in to stuff his beak with worms. I've got lots of super-size bird poop in the yard, and my daughter has been videotaping the baby's antics, including his failed attempt to scale my slippery watering-can.

    I've googled baby robin care, and found out they need to be fed every 10-20 minutes. No wonder mom and dad are so skinny! He'll be fully fledged in a couple weeks, he's already flopping in to the lower branches of my cedar and lost his baby fluff. He's grown a bit of a tail, too, which helps with his balance.

    Mom and dad are fierce protectors. I saw them engage in a silent war with the local squirrel yesterday morning, furiously pursuing his spiralling descent out of the tree. Considering Mr. Squirrel was silent himself for a change, he must have been up to no good. No indignant chipping from him!

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Hi CoCo

    Found some dates for you - the YMCA was born in 1844 and Nathan Hale in 1755.

    It was also D-Day in 1944, the first pair of Levis was made in 1850 and in 1960, Roy Orbison released his single "Only the Lonely"!

    Jgnat I love watching the birds at this time of year - there was a story in the Scottish news this weekend about a blackbird which has set up home in someone's bathroom - complete nest with baby! So sweet. Last year I watched crows attack a magpie's nest and the nearly fledged youngster ended up on the ground - the parents were dive-bombing anything that ventured near. They are incredibly protective of their young.

    My day's not been great so far. I came so close to giving a customer 'what-for' this morning - they came into the shop looking for a particular type of book, found what they wanted and then proudly announced that they would buy it on the internet grrr! Sometimes I wonder if people have difficulty distinguishing between bookshops and the public library. It makes me wonder why I bother in this business - if I went back to my original trade I could make good money, probably emigrate to Australia, Germany or the US because my skills are in short supply - but I choose to do this job and put up with the abuse and get paid a low wage into the bargain.

    One day I'll put a notice on the door 'closed due to lack of interest - go and order your stuff on the internet' and walk out of this place. Emo is getting so close to snapping :-(

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you for those dates, emo. And don't snap. The customer is always right, eh? Have you seen "Notting Hill," with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant? The story of a travel book store, where a customer looks for what is definitely NOT to be found there. Head in the clouds. The second time he comes in, the owner [Grant] says, as I recall, 'Don't even think about it!" - i.e., GET OUT!
    You can't get in trouble for quoting a line from a movie, can you??????????????



  • Crumpet

    Dear Diary

    I wish I could start a prayer thread so we could offer prayers up the ethos/god/whatever and then I can add a little prayer each day just like coco has this lovely diary...


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