Quick question!

by emilyblue 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Odrade

    You do realize that the best way for him to escape disfellowshipping is to make you out to be some kind of evil seductress who pursued him relentlessly until he could no longer resist? Years ago when I had my JC, the elders practically led me to the conclusion that I had been "forced" the first time and continued the relationship in some misguided effort to make it not be "forced." (I labored under that delusion, really believed it, for YEARS, before I let my own brain work again and remember that I was not forced.) I wasn't df'd, btw, because being "forced" combined with my "repentance," gave them enough reason to "believe" me.

    Please don't harbor any delusions that it will be okay between you two if he just gets df'd.

  • emilyblue

    His meeting lasted four hours. FOUR. I got so worried I actually drove by the church or hall or whatever at 11:30 pm to see if his car was still there because I was concerned about where he was and if he had lost it and was off wasted somewhere. He came when it was finished, around midnight, and told me he was disfellowshipped. He said he is going to appeal because one of the elders was close to his ex-wife, who is apparently very hurt that he had sex with me even though they were already separated over two years ago before I even knew him and are divorced. He told me that he wants us to work out our problems, he wants me to become a Witness, then after his appeal in a few weeks, he wants to date me openly, which we've already been doing before we broke up the last time, he wants to marry me and he believed we can be so happy if we just live according to God's will. I told him I was so sorry for confessing all this stuff to my bible study teacher, and he told me he understood why I did it and was sorry for blowing up at me a couple of weeks ago when I told him what I had done. He said he loves me so much and is going to become a better man for me and study God's word so that he can be a better husband to me than he was to both his exes. At this point, I'm thoroughly confused. I was concerned he would hate my guts after being disfellowshipped last night, but it's the opposite. He was very loving. He did tell me we needed to "lay low" for the next couple of weeks before his appeal because there was no need to add fuel to their fire. We are no longer having sex and have toned down the physical stuff almost totally, but he is worried they won't believe that if anyone sees us together. This just kind of seems ridiculous to me. I feel like a teenager, having to sneak around behind my mom and dad's backs. We're two grown unattached people who were physical with one another in a loving relationship which we both believed was headed toward marriage. I'm just really sick of the whole guilt thing. I want to be there for him, and I believe him when he tells me that he is so sorry for how he has lost his temper with me in the past, but I don't know if I can live like this. Even if we were to get married, I have a feeling the elders would always be in bed with us, so to speak. He told me last week that the day of his wedding to his second wife, they fooled around and had sex the morning of their wedding day for the first time. They felt so guilty that they confessed what they had done to the elders after they got back from their honeymoon, and he was reproved for that. Reproved for sex right before the ceremony? That's so weird to me. Why would anyone feel guilty and feel like they deserved to be disciplined? What really annoys me is how he told me last night that he doesn't really care what the elders think of him, he's just worried that God can't love him. It's very frustrating to me to see him like this and to know that he is worried that God doesn't care about him. He said at the end, he asked if they would pray with him for guidance, but they told him no, they can't pray with him. he can't even have any of their literature while he's disfellowshipped. Well, he can have mine. I'll find something else to pick up dog poop with.

  • emilyblue

    Well I spoke with him again this afternoon. I am so confused. I thought we just had to "lay low" for a couple of weeks until his appeal. Today he told me that if he is still disfellowshipped after his appeal (which I'm sure he will be, but he has hope otherwise) we would not be able to be seen in public until he is reinstated, and then at that time he wants me to go to the hall with him, and not a different one like I did before. I asked him how long he thought his disfellowship would last, and he said maybe 3-6 months, maybe longer. That is a long time to have to sneak around. It would be pretty difficult for me because we have always been so open before and were even engaged earlier in the year. When I got a little upset about it, he told me I needed to be supportive of him and not make him feel bad and to stop thinking about myself. I told him I wasn't trying to make him feel bad, I just didn't like feeling like I was a dirty secret that he had to hide. He said that's not how it is, but then told me that I certainly hadn't helped matters when I confessed our sex life to my bible study teacher. He told me he loves me and wants to marry me if I become a Witness. If I don't become a Witness, he is willing to date me for the rest of his life because there is no one else he wants to be with except me, but we have to be spiritually united so God can bless our marriage. I guess he forgot his first two exes were Witnesses but they still divorced anyway. This is just very confusing. I'm not sure if I can do this. He said I will have to decide if I think he and our relationship is worth it. I wanted to turn the question around to him and ask him the same thing but didn't want to get blasted.

  • misguided

    Oh Emily (((hugs))),

    I know where your man is coming from. At one point I thought completely like that. I wanted to be with someone so much, yet felt the need to hide his existence because of my disfellowshipping. Eventually my JW brain took over and I ended it thinking it was the right thing to do to be right with god. I'm sure to this day he doesn't understand. Geeze, today, I can't even reconcile my brain as it thought as a brainwashed go-bot. The thing is if he's not ready to leave this crazy religion, and by what he's saying to you I'm thinking this is the case, you are either going to have to become a JW yourself (which is a horrible life) or he will make the choice to serve his god and, essentially, screw your emotions over.

    You have every right to be confused. It is confusing! It's just the way a JW brain works. I can't go back and change anything. Make your decisions wisely. Please dont' get yourself locked up in his world. I know I'd be so guilty if that fellow had followed me and became a jw now just to be with me. I only wish I had learned that this organization is one big lie long before I did.


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    2 ex wives?? what happened?? Witnesses, usually last til DEATH do they part.

  • penny2
    I asked him how long he thought his disfellowship would last, and he said maybe 3-6 months, maybe longer.

    I don't know anyone who was disfellowshipped for less than 12 months. Most go for 2-3 years. When he applies for reinstatement, they will ask him if he has been seeing you.

    If I don't become a Witness, he is willing to date me for the rest of his life

    And not have sex? Is that realistic? (a JW can't have sex outside of marriage)

    emilyblue, sorry you are going through this.


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Run for the hills sistah. Not to be too cold or callus to your situation. If he wants you to become a witness 'so you can work out your problems' thats the problem. It sounds to me like he wants the best of both worlds. If he truly wants to be a faithfull witness and all. He should (according to WT$ dogma) stop seeing you, get his 'relationship' with Jehovah(read the elders) back in good standing and than and only than look to date.

    From what you have said he wants to keep you hidden in the background while he puts on a good face for the elders. You have to ask yourself, do you want to be involved with someone who puts 3 men and their decision ahead of you?


    EB...he is just giving you the runaround! Now that he is DF'd he is free to marry you with no strings attached to the JW's. He could then try for reinstatement. All these conditions, rules and ultimatums are his way of putting you off. Unless you want to join a cult, take this opportunity and RUN!!!


  • Who are you?
    Who are you?
    Even if we were to get married, I have a feeling the elders would always be in bed with us, so to speak. He told me last week that the day of his wedding to his second wife, they fooled around and had sex the morning of their wedding day for the first time. They felt so guilty that they confessed what they had done to the elders after they got back from their honeymoon, and he was reproved for that. Reproved for sex right before the ceremony? That's so weird to me.

    What kind of a man would feel that his sex life is anyone elses business other than his future wife and his? What type of man when approached by this neurotic nutjob right after his honeymoon would reprove him?

  • fullofdoubtnow


    He told me he loves me and wants to marry me if I become a Witness.

    That sounds like conditional love to me, whatever else he has said. And his comment about dating you in secret if you don't become a jw - do you really want to live the rest of your life like that? I now I wouldn't.

    Hard as it may be to accept right now, it's time to move on Emily. You deserve much more than this man is prepared to offer you, regardless of his declarations of love. Making a clean break now, hurtful as it may be, will save you from potentially years of heartache.

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