Update Regarding How The May 1 QFR Is "Playing" In The Congregations

by Justitia Themis 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cultswatter

    I shocked my JW family with the QFR announcement before they had read the QFR themselves. They said "where did you get the May 1st WT mag." I said " It's all over the internet." STUNNED!!.

    My take is this QFR article has mentally disturbed many JWs enough that they may just shuffle on over to google and enter "JW CULT" and see what they get.

  • anewme

    Excuse me but I dont know what you are all talking about? I cant seem to find a previous thread discussing this May QFR.
    Could someone please explain it in simple lingo?


  • PopeOfEruke

    The governing body have trashed Rutherford's teaching that 1935 was the end of the gathering of the 144,000 and after that only "other sheep" and replacements for the 144,000 would be "gathered".

    So the GB say now the cutoff never occurred and 144,000 are still being gathered.

    It's only been over 2000 years now since they started being gathered, how long does it take to find 144,000 people???

    What a cult! What a brainwashed idiotic group of people the JW's are to swallow this swill.


  • anewme

    Thankyou Pope! So why do you think they decided this was important to publish? Is it because so many of the governing body now are of the earthly class? Does this pose a respect problem among the rank and file?

    Can we expect more the earthly class will start to partake?

    Will they also say that the number 144,000 was symbolic?

    Will they now become an association of members who hope to go to heaven?

    Will they emphasize the role of Christ in the lives of their members now and not just Jehovah?

    Do you think they are positioning themselves to survive a dwindling of numbers?

    Do you predict these doctrinal changes will result in an upsurge of interest and baptisms?

    How would you feel if the WTS changed many of the policies the apostates cry about? What would you do then?

  • IP_SEC

    Sorry but... QFR? WTF? PEMI

  • PopeOfEruke

    I think they simply ran out of excuses for why the figure of around 8,000 memorial partkers each year never seems to go down, in fact last year even went up.

  • steve2

    I'm surprised that JWs even read the content in the Watchtower. I'd assumed it was enough of a chore just to obey it, rather than actually read it as well.

  • bennyk


    And in this QFR article, the number 144 000 was conspicuous -- by its ABSENCE.

  • atypical

    I can't get any jw I know to even hold a conversation about it. It's like they're not even interested at all. That mentality betrays more than the doctrinal change, I think.

  • ozziepost
    I think they simply ran out of excuses for why the figure of around 8,000 memorial partkers each year never seems to go down, in fact last year even went up.

    That was my very first reaction too!

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