Why does being right = being arrogant?

by AlmostAtheist 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>I'm not sure where being right = being arrogant. (?) You can't successfully win a argument with someone who's right, can you? If you try, they can come off as being arrogant, when they are really just correct in their position.

    As is my custom, my thread title probably wasn't worded very well. The intent was to say, "Why does a person that thinks he's right act arrogantly, with more 'right-ness' tending to lead to more arrogance?"

    For instance, you and I both believe there is no god. Or at the very least, feel there is no proof for one, find decent hints there isn't one, and think his existence to be unlikely. If we got into a conversation about this with someone that firmly believes there IS a god, we could easily find ourselves laughing derisively at that person. "Only an idiot would think that way!" we might allow ourselves to say. If you're anything like me, sarcasm would start flowing like Niagara Falls.

    That would be arrogance on our part. It's one thing to hold an opinion, and to validate that opinion with observable facts. But it's another thing to cut down someone else because they don't share your view. (Explaining that "ignorant" isn't necessarily a demeaning term just doesn't seem to 'take the sting out'!)

    >>arrogance may actually be a reflection of insecurity.

    That is certainly possible. Perhaps not insecurity over the position, but over the ability to defend the position. I recall arrogantly pontificating that Michael MUST be Jesus, but having to admit to myself when pressed that I had absolutely nothing scriptural to prove it with. (Note that I only admitted that to *myself*!)


  • AlmostAtheist

    >>Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

    LOL @ Gary!


  • gymbob


    Ah yes...the sarcasm! Now I get you.....(Have you been listening in on the conversations between my wife and I?) :)

    Her: "Well you're trying to be just too logical".

    Me: "Yea, that's something i'm going to have to work on".

    Sarcasm = arrogance. GYMBOB

  • gymbob

    p.s. "Ignorant" comes from the word "ignore"...choosing not to know.

  • Odrade

    In addition to that, why is it when you're "discussing" something with someone like that, they'll come on with a bunch of ridiculous assertions and logical fallacies, toss in a little name calling and spurious personal accusations, then end it with: "Now everyone knows you have to get in the LAST WORD, so I fully expect to see you back here with your wordsmithing LAST WORD because you can't stand to see anything DROP. So I'm done with this. I'll let you have your LAST WORD." What. The. F#ck.

  • jgnat

    I am right a lot more than I am wrong, yet I am often shouted down. I think the shouters come off as "right" more often than not. I got used to this very early on. I now time my comments when they will have the most impact, and if no harm is done, I let people figure out on their own that they are wrong. I think the writer of Ecclesiastes mentioned this. The wise know when to shut up. Which means most people may never hear them.

    That arrogance thing also might be related to testosterone. I notice in a fight, though I am feisty, I am no match to a bulldog male brain on the offence. He just won't stop chewing on that old bone.

  • jgnat

    LOL, yes, Odrade. If there were any counterpart to the male arrogance, it would be the female tendency to OUT-TALK her opponent. Why not? We're good at it.

  • Mad

    That is a simple question to answer- from the Bible!

    It tells us that the True God hates & opposes the Arrogant. So, when arrogant- they are right only in the superficial.

  • jgnat

    Oh, so humbly put, Mad.

  • RAF

    Maybe this is off topic but (if tired only read what’s written in red)

    If for instance faith doesn't only mean believing (in a God) but adhering to something which would be beneficial for everybody ... even if we do have a different view on how there is still a base: respect and balance (also any balance need to be weighted before – there is a big part of research since we are all different in this exercice) ... we all know that at some point ... isn't that (God) everything (to me) talking to us somehow already?

    Even if my belief is deeper than, that for lots of reasons (I've finally only want to talk and express myself about it on the most open way just because of our civilisation state = too much people have been hurt by religions in being or not religious ; also too much things by religious leaders and zealots have been stated in a very illogical way - when things (even religious statements) can be taken spiritually in a so open minded way (which make a real BIG difference in the result of the understanding).

    Anyway being open minded is anti-dictatorial even for ourselves ... What is good in closing doors (to anything or anyone) Do we know about tomorrow?

    Again : No proof = no proof / not enough proof = not enough proof / a non argument is not an argument and an argument is not the entire truth it's only at first a logical statement but it does not always answer the real question, also sometimes the real answer is not always answered by what is asking a specific question / wrong question = wrong answer) ...

    For most things reaching the beginning of an answer is much deeper than that (a different culture can lead to such a big difference in the understanding and the way of dealing with something ...).

    I mean people like ex JW that any find smart today, was as smart yesterday, where was the difference? Think about it ... (They were and maybe are still stucked - not open minded enough - and when they went wrong just for instance about love and respect of others it had probably something to do with the fact that they had lost there sense of balance and the absolute idea of being right in having the truth (in following a direct but in fact indirect personal agenda in staying closed minded).

    We know that even scientists (which are supposed to go by proofs) have been able to be so wrong in lots of statements. When a name replace an argument there is no real argument only a belief (And I feel like too much people do forget about that even when discussing atheism versus theism which is quiet paradoxal).

    So much to think about … Staying open minded is the only way to allow ourselves to progress. it's a literal difference in between conservatism and liberalism (when we need a balance in this matter in economy for instance just to make sure to not throwing away anything to replacing it by something which might not be satisfying on the long run - I mean we need to test things) we absolutely need to be totally open to catch whatever information which can lead to the most effective answer or solution.

    Also what is a personal business stays a personal business, there is no reason to any of us to laugh about it or even reject it (it's just not our business).

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