Why does being right = being arrogant?

by AlmostAtheist 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    What is it about a person's believing they are "right" that leads them to being arrogant? You've surely noticed that the more sure a person is that he's right, the more likely he is to treat those that disagree with him with disrespect. Why?

    It's hard to see how a person can disagree with something that you KNOW is right. It's especially irksome when you've done some research to reach your conclusions, and they are mocked by someone that has clearly NOT done that same level of research. You feel like saying, "Dude, get educated, THEN come talk to me!" But in his own way, the other guy has probably done some research too. He may be feeling exactly like you, wondering -- bewildered, even -- how you can possibly sit there with a straight face and claim you don't "get it".

    I've tried to be more fair and even-handed. To recognize that I've been wildly wrong, and that more often than not, it was the times that I felt most right that I turned out to be most wrong. ("The Truth", anyone?) Even though I recognize my own struggle with this, I still find myself stunned at times to see such arrogance expressed. I sometimes think it's religious people, but it's not. Religion is a great place to find it, since it's one of the things that people tend to get polarized about. I would imagine the same is true of politics, ethics, anything where middle ground is uncomfortable for anybody.

    I'm having trouble getting to the point here, and that may BE the point. I'm not sure where I'm headed with this, and maybe I'm reaching out to the JWD brain-trust to fill in the gaps.

    Any takers?


  • Crumpet

    I dont know - but I agree and find myself a little arrogant in my atheism now. Perhaps I should try being an Almost and then I'll be less cocky about it!

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I think in matters that are scientifically factual, there isn't any reason to scoff. The matters that deal with grey areas, of which there are many however, leave room for much debate. Anyone can assimailate as much info as they want to support there ideas. Even science can do that. I think polarization is common in any firmly held beleifs. I think the basis of calling people arrogant, comes from the confidence exuded, which challenges ones beleifs. I think that most people do not have an open mind to newly resstuctured thinking or are unwilling to change. Change is a very difficult thing for humans and so is admitting your wrong.

  • garybuss

    Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

  • 5go

    Being right doesn't mean you have to be close minded. Arrogance is a lack a of fellow feeling. In other words I am right and that is that. Rather than saying I am right and here is why. Also there is something to poor manners (no one likes sorewinners I bet you don't )

  • fifi40

    AA, this is something i have being thinking about recently and I have partly concluded that arrogance may actually be a reflection of insecurity. We recognise insecurities more easily in people when the person shows a weakeness, they may drink too much to cover up for their insecurities or be jealous because they are not happy within themselves etc. The difference with arrogance is that we can be very offended when someone comes over that way, but could it not be that being arrogant=being defensive. I have to be right and by being arrogant towards others I can maintain my position. It is almost like they are scared of being wrong (their insecurity) and delight in the error of others or are dismissive of others opinions, because they are scared of having to change.

    I know that all sounds a bit rambly but I hope you understand what I am trying to say................maybe we should actually feel sorry for the arrogant, who knows.


  • skycaptain

    JWs think ignorants is bliss,Why do i say this, well when i was a jw and suffering with the mental illness that i still have, i was told many times by the elders we are not doctors and there is no need of us to look into your illness,.I told them it would only take them 5 minites to look at the information on the internet so they could have a better understanding of my condition but to no avale, they excuse themselves as allways,.

    It makes no sence to me ,how can you show empathy and compassion for somebody , and help them ,.all i wanted was a bit of emotional support.

  • fifi40

    Hey I just got to be a senior member.........so I must be right........and the rest of you are just plain wrong!!!!!

  • wednesday

    ah, yes, to be one of jws and to know everything. Remember the Awake is a college education!

    This was one carry over from the jws that can be a real problem - that is if you intend to converse with others and allow them to have an opinion. Thinking we have ALL the answers and not even for a moment thinking we could be wrong.

    what an amazing delusion.

  • gymbob


    I'm not sure where being right = being arrogant. (?) You can't successfully win a argument with someone who's right, can you? If you try, they can come off as being arrogant, when they are really just correct in their position.

    My wife and I had a similar talk about this the other day....She sometimes accuse each other of being arrogant.

    I was raised a dub, now i'm atheist. She was raised Lutheran but doesn't know what to believe anymore about a god. She has a hard time talking about it because she doesn't want to give up on the "idea" of a god out there somewhere who cares about us, but has no actual reason to believe that way. On the other hand, I don't believe in a god, but sometimes hope that there really is one because I have tried to be a good person my whole life and believe that I would be judged someday to be a good man, but don't care for the idea of a god or anyone, "judging" my life someday, if that ever would happen!

    Like I posted on another thead....if there is a after-life, i'll let it take care of itself. GYMBOB

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