If the Watchtower ceased to exist right now, what would this mean for you?

by JH 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    I would pray to God and say thank you for making the world a better place and thanks for ridding the world of one of satan's greatest deceivers because the devil sure knew how to turn himself into an angel of light through the watchtower organization.


  • Junction-Guy

    Amen to that Edmond Dantes!!

  • ninja

    pretty annoyed to be honest....I am starting to love having the house to myself when the family is at the Hall...muhahaha

  • okie46

    It would mean my daughter would speak to me again, hopefully.

  • Hortensia

    nothing, nothing at all.

  • IsaacJS2

    I don't think it would affect me at all, really. The only thing would be the spillover from my wife and in-laws, but like someone else mentioned, I'm sure something would rush in to fill the void.


  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Mission Accomplished..time to decide what to do on vacation. That is what it would mean to me personally.

    Funny story to share...my JW mother of 30 years..was driving home in the rain..and was complaining she could not see it was raining so hard. So I suggested she pull over until it slowed down until she could see again.....and then I added what does the watchtower tell you do in this situation?

    Her response was heated...but I got my point across.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Well, it would possibly mean great things for the communication in the family. But I'm of the opinion that such a fall for the Watchtower would be a really bad thing. Many people would be in such shock and depression, and horrible things could result. Better they take a nice, slow death.

  • done4good
    Cognitive dissonance being what it is, I doubt if the family would give up that easily , I suspect that there would be something....

    I'm afraid you may be right, BB. I really don't see many jws just "quitting" because the org ceases to exist. There would obviously be great disorganization, and some would leave, (those that already have issues with the org), but many will try to "keep the faith", in one form or another. This is actually why I always kind of felt the the wts could be wrong about the whole destroying Babylon the Great thing. People are still going to believe what they want, DESPITE the existence of an organization. The wts stresses too much importance on the concept of "organizations", and assumes that everyone else does also.


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    It would mean exactly nothing to me.

    As for "true believers", there would be another cult to fill the void.


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