Has the WTS ever made a prediction that came true?

by Leander 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • dubla
    God lays it all out pretty clearly in Deut. 18:20-22.

    If you claim to be speaking for God, and what you say doesn't happen, you are a FALSE PROPHET. No allowances made for messenger vs. predictor.

    yes, great point. lets quote that for emphasis:


    But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

    And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?

    When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

    -even nytel cant argue with the fact that the society has indeed spoke things "in the name of the lord" and those things surely fall under the umbrella of "follow(ed) not, nor came to pass".


  • nytelecom1

    actually i just like watching you respond to my every post.

    like pavalovs dog........

    i have no idea to what capacity every prophet in the scripturs was..so i couldnt tell you...re read the definition of prophet

    again, i imagine these thought processes are just too much of an overload for your small brain capacity, but this is what im saying

    look i can do it to behind an ip address too.

    your mother really was more than willing to take it up the ass from
    me last night..i hope my elders dont find out..
    dont i feel tough now.

  • Seeker


    You didn't answer my question (though I see, in fairness, you have been busy with people's moms). Did you read the article I linked to in the first page of this thread? Every possible definition you can come up with for the Society has been fulfilled by the Society. Everything. And it all failed to come true. You can even take the Insight definition of a prophet, and the Society really danced around on that one, and they still fit. Check out the article and then come back and tell us why the Society's own words on the subject contradict what you are saying.

  • teejay

    The rise/formation of the United Nations.

    The dual world power of Britain and America.

  • larc


    As I understand your definitions, the WT, when they use scriptures are niether prophets nor are they predictors. They are messengers. Well, in that case they are false messengers, and have been many times over.

    Now, if they state future conditions without reference to scripture, they are prophets or predictors. Well, they did this in 1937 in the Enemies book. They made a prophecy. The Nazis under the influence of the Catholic Church would over take England and the United States.

    Therefore, I have to conclude that they are both false messengers and false prophets, by your definitions.

  • Thirdson


    I don't know if you were being serious,

    :The rise/formation of the United Nations.
    The dual world power of Britain and America.

    The United Nations thing Knorr stated could be gleaned from the newspapers of the day. (Already mentioned on this thread) They didn't say much about the League of Nations until after it disappeared. Now they are in bed with the UN all bets are off of any future significance the UN will have in WTS interpretation of the Bible. (See my comment on the New Light on UN thread)

    When did WTS prophesy that Britain and the USA would be a dual world power? Didn't the WTS observe the change in fortunes of the British Empire and the gradual rise of America during the first half of the 20th century. Britain gave up a lot of its Empire's naval bases to the US in World War II in exchange for Battleships. No prophecy just an attempt to fit history with Biblical interpretation.

    If you say enough and comment enough you might be able to claim that you made a prediction and it came true. The WTS has made lots and lots of predictions. Some obvious ones came true the rest are glossed over and forgotten about. Do we need to list them again?


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • Outaservice


    At one of the Elder meetings during the Circuit Assembly the District Overseer ( a representative of the Society ) said that a lot of Brothers seem to be happy if a meeting is cancelled! Well, he certainly was 'right' on that statement!

    Outaservice (loving my Tuesday and Thursday nights again)

  • dubla


    my mother has passed on. is this the type of language the witnesses are using now? (its been awhile since ive been to a meeting, but it sure has changed). you are a hypocrite to the highest degree. im sorry if having your intelligence insulted hurts your feelings that severly that you feel you need to lash out, but its hard not to comment on someone as yourself who is so obviously ignorant. every time we get into a discussion, you talk yourself in circles, and contradict yourself repeatedly, making your stupidity known to all.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Whatever the semantics of the situation, the fact remains that the Society's interpretations through the years have aroused expectations concerning very specific dates --- dates that cannot be attributed to any specific chapter and verse of Scripture --- only to have these hopes dashed time and time again.
    Ask yourself: If Armageddeon had actually eventuated in 1975, would the Society have refrained from crowing ``I told you so!?''
    What about the Awake's masthead saying it was ``the Creator's'' promise'' to usher in a righteous new world before the generation who witnessed the events of 1914 passes away?.
    Or that same's magfazine's assurance to the graduating high school class of 1969 (in the May 22, 1969) issue that they would never grow old, much less die?
    And none of this diminishes your confidence in their ability to correctly interpret scripture? My hat's off to you then.

  • dubla

    by the way, i see alot of good points have been brought up since yesterday when i left, and i see nytel has ignored them all in true nytel form. when there is no reply to give though, what is one to do?


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