Has the WTS ever made a prediction that came true?

by Leander 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • dubla


    thank you for ONCE for not beating around the bush. lets recap:

    has the society ever claimed to "predict"?.................

    so obviously you claim the society does NOT "predict".

    Often, but not always, God’s true prophets predicted future events.

    here we see that you claim gods true prophets do "often...predict".

    ok jdub

    personal opinion

    true prophet- messenger --yes

    now we see that you do believe the society to be gods "true prohet".

    true prophet-predicter --no

    contradicting oneself is common among jws. it goes hand in hand with talking in circles. very common traits, and i would expect no less of you.

    oh, i looked up the definition of stupid to see if i could concur:

    stu·pid (stpd, sty-)
    -Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.
    -Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.

    yep, from my dealings with you to date, id say you fit the bill nicely. i know i know, next time im in ny, blah blah....


  • Jeremy Bravo
    Jeremy Bravo

    OK, I'll bite NYT...

    From the July 15, 1922 Watchtower (in reference to 1925 predictions):

    Some of them are of so remarkable a character as clearly to indicate that this chronology is not of man, but of God. Being of divine origin and divinely corroborated, present-truth chronology stands in a place by itself, absolutely and unqualifiedly correct.

    What does "divine origin" mean?

    What does divinely corroborated" mean?

    Your thoughts are much appreciated.


    P.S. Personal opinion: guys on juice are a joke when it comes to fighting. Too imbalanced and cocky to think they can lose. Too bad steroids don't cover up pressure points :P

  • AlanF

    A typical JW cook can't stand the kitchen's heat:

    : ok this is getting way old

    Why don't you go over to WOL? You'd fit right in there.


  • nytelecom1
    you can dance all day my man

    i am far from "your man"

    1. god

  • crownboy

    Have you looked at the link on the last page for documentation of the predictions? I understand you're skeptical because people on this board tend to be overly anti- JW, but they are pretty correct on this point. AlanF's outline is accurate and based on Watchtower and older book sources. I know because I've seen it with my very eyes! I must say, the Society hasn't put on the "prophet hat" for a while, but back in the old days it was done rather often. C.T. Russell DID predict the world's end several times, J.F. Rutherford DID say the world would end in 1925, and even the society itself admits they got people's hopes up to prophetic levels by their comments on 1975 (both my parents attest to the fact that many people thought the world was going to end. If the society didn't at least somewhat believe and promulgate the idea themselves, they did a poor job of stopping the rumors from spreading). Perhaps you should read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz. There is a ton of info on this topic in there, and like me, you can cross reference all his material with the society's publications. Granted, the people on this board can be unbalanced sometimes, but trust them on this one (or you can check for yourself as suggested), they are accurate.

  • nytelecom1


    please show me where i said all of gods prophets predict

    big diff

  • DIM

    you still didn't explain how you can think two contrasting thoughts and think that they are both true....

  • nytelecom1

    yes i did

  • Jeremy Bravo
    Jeremy Bravo


    God lays it all out pretty clearly in Deut. 18:20-22.

    If you claim to be speaking for God, and what you say doesn't happen, you are a FALSE PROPHET. No allowances made for messenger vs. predictor.

    Sorry, messenger vs. predictor is not in the bible. Pretty cut and dry, man.

  • dubla

    which goes back to my ORIGINAL question then, doesnt it nytel?? it can be like watching a dog chase its tail talking with you people......wondering, can he be that stupid??


    youre saying gods true prophets "often" predicted future events, BUT, the society has never claimed to "predict". is that correct? so none of gods true prophets have ever been involved with the society? or the true prophets of the society just werent part of the prophets that "often" predicted future events? please explain.

    again, i imagine these thought processes are just too much of an overload for your small brain capacity, but this is what im saying: is the society the exception to the rule then? are they gods prophet, but not a "predictor" (not part of the "often" that was described earlier)? and if thats the case, is there a reason for this new form of prophet that doesnt "predict"?

    geesh, it wasnt that tough a line of questioning the first time. you really make things hard on yourself.


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