I have a talk!

by Zico 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlphaOmega

    How about using

    Remember the choice argument? One of those choices is whether to choose false worship or choosing "Worship of which Jehovah Approves"...

    *** bh chap. 16 p. 159 par. 12 Take Your Stand for True Worship ***


    Maybe you feel that the origins of holidays have little to do with how they are celebrated today. Do origins really matter? Yes! To illustrate: Suppose you saw a piece of candy lying in the gutter. Would you pick up that candy and eat it? Of course not! That candy is unclean. Like that candy, holidays may seem sweet, but they have been picked up from unclean places. To take a stand for true worship, we need to have a viewpoint like that of the prophet Isaiah, who told true worshipers: "Touch nothing unclean."—Isaiah 52:11.

    How about that? Substitute "a piece of candy" for "Cola Cube" and you've managed it three times ???

    Desparate I know, but it may keep you smiling on the inside.

  • NotaNess

    Just a note:

    The guy or guys in charge of whipping/punishing and keeping in-line the slaves, on plantations during the War Between the States (civil war), were also called "Overseers".

  • averyniceguy

    I think stillajwexelder is giving the same talk. He posted about it. Look at his post history.

  • Tuesday

    eh, you can say whatever you want as long as you put a bunch of scriptures into it. Actually that's funny I just wrote this long thing saying God wouldn't destroy anyone at Armageddon with the scriptural data backing it up on the Bible Research area of the site. Steal anything you want

  • carla

    RE: the above wt quote about candy in a gutter-- obviously these people don't go to parades! haha, they oughta see all the kids scramble for the candy rolling on the ground on it's way to the gutter! aah, you guys miss out on everything.

    How long does this 'talk' have to last?

  • jgnat

    Aaaah, that famous candy analogy. My hubby loves it, I hate it. I pointed out that if corrupted ORIGINS is the problem, then we should consider rather the ORIGINS of jell-o and hot dogs. I assure you, you'd never eat them again.

  • DJK

    JGnat, I make jello where I work and you are right, if you knew where it came from you would never eat it again.(clue; green smelly pig skin)

    Long live the ferret!

  • Zico

    To be honest, I've been thinking of retiring the ferret, I get more PMs about the ferret than I get about me. Maybe then people will focus on the quality of my posts rather than a comical picture. Actually, I may have just spotted the problem here.

  • dust

    Would a God of love kill 6 billions for disagreeing? Well, according to Romans 2:14-16 God won't do that. So maybe one doesn't have to be a JW afterall... You must only obey the Law. Hm... Which Law? Have a look at Romans 13:8-10. So, according to Paul, everyone knows how to love, and that's the important thing. Also relevant: 1 Sam 16:7.

    In other words, no matter what God decides to do, the JWs have a problem with their teaching. If he kills, he has to kill all those children that aren't baptised because they are not mature enough, and he will have to kill those who according to Romans 2 and 13 shouldn't be killed. If he doesn't kill, then you don't have to be a JW to survive.

  • LittleToe

    Is your nose cold and wet? Good for a dog but not so good for a human!

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