Questioning Armageddon. How can wife hang onto the Bible? (If she wants to)

by Open mind 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • poppers

    "Maybe those books you mentioned were written before Moses wrote the first 5 books but that does NOT mean the history was NOT there in verbal communication." ................ I think you are grasping for something to hang on to, as most people do when defending cherished beliefs, because those beliefs provide a sense of identification and surety - without them who would you be? Do you have the courage, the curiosity to find out?

  • TopHat

    Poppers, What I have told you is fact....the Bible is the most well known book on earth....all other religious books are not as well known no matter how long ago they were written and that is my point.....has nothing to do with my belief in Jesus.

    Perhaps it has more to do with my faith in the POWER of the true God of the Universe.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Is there a middle ground that will allow her to at least hold on to belief in the Bible for a while?

    I suggest Ray Franz's second book, IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAIN FREEDOM.

    Ray points out many flaws in the JW teachings and the NWT while retaining his core beliefs.

    Perhaps that book can inspire you what direction to take with your wife's revelations.

  • poppers

    "the Bible is the most well known book on earth....all other religious books are not as well known no matter how long ago they were written and that is my point." .............. So what? Does that make it true? Maybe peddlars of Christianity are more zealous in spreading its ideas and convincing others to accept them. Islam does this too, but they started 600 years after Christ died and it is now one of the fastest growing religions today. Buddhism and Hinduism have no evangelical movements as far as I've understood them. Without that there are no printing presses going into overtime to keep the "product" before the public eye.

  • nvrgnbk

    Another interesting thought that's been considered on JWD is the fact that with every passing day that Jehovah "permits" this system of things to continue, he creates more future victims of his annihilation. In other words the birthrate of humanity far outpaces the rate of entrance into "God's one true organization." A bloodthirsty God he is to be sure( assuming He exists).


  • poppers

    Good point, nvr.

  • greendawn

    Whatever happened in the flood or Sodom is different from what goes on in armageddon (as the JWs perceive it) because there the condemnation will be final, at least so they think, but in the earlier cases that is not the case eg the people of Sodom will be resurrected according to Jesus and will be better off than the generation of his days.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    OTWO: Thanks for reading this & that's a good idea. I'm pretty sure that forbidden tome is in a nearby public library. BTW, I've read CofC.

    Open Mind

  • reneeisorym

    What's wrong with saying -- "Maybe its just people who love and believe in Jehovah and Jesus are the ones that are going to be saved in armageddon. The ones who choose not to love God will be annialated. Maybe its not about being a JW that saves you. Maybe its just loving and believing in God. That would make more sense."

    I think this would break her away from the crazy idea that everyone but JWs will die thing if she accepted it.

  • dawg


    Don't get angry over this quesiton but why don't you think men were meant to die? DO you actually think that Eve eating a fruit made death come to this planet? ANimals like us have been dieing for thousands of years before Eve allegedly chatted with a serpent. Why do you think this myth is true Tophat? What do you see in the natural world that would make you think that death isn't natural?

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