Questioning Armageddon. How can wife hang onto the Bible? (If she wants to)

by Open mind 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dawg

    Your a great lady tophat, but you still haven't answered what I asked!

  • TopHat

    dawg, forgive me but I am still waiting for Terry to answer my question. I think you know the answer to your question, ask of me. My theory is this: In the beginning God actually spoke to Adam and Eve....although a Spirit and why wouldn't Eve listen to a serpent? We, today, live in a different world than Adam and Eve. DUH! Think about it!

  • dawg

    Tophat, The question remains, what in the physical world leads you to believe that Eve brought death into the world? What makes you think that death is'nt a natural occurance when everythign has and alwys will exist eventually die?

  • TopHat

    Because she disobeyed her Creator .....very simple...The serpent lied to Eve...are the animals aware that they will die? NO, so the animals must have been made to die of old age. Does the Bible say anything about animals living forever if they eat from the tree of Life. No

    Let me add, today death does seem to be a natural occurance for Humans because from the very beginning Humans lost Life through Sin. If they had not sinned they would have eaten from the tree of Life and lived forever. I supose you only need to eat from the tree of life once to live forever just as eating from the bad old tree ONCE was enough to lose life to become old and die. However, God didn't say anything about other life forms living forever.

  • poppers

    "Why this persistent need to rely on something outside oneself, to define oneself? What's the matter with finding out what you are without reliance on outside agencies and ideas?"............................. "When we are born we rely on our parents to help us along in life and we follow their lead or we find ourself in big trouble by our reliance on only our understanding of the world around us. So it is with our spiritual life...we need a guide.".................... And most people simply absorb the beliefs that are handed to them by parents, some influential individual, educational systems, society, and culture. Rarely does anyone venture far beyond what someone else has said and actually look for themselves without the tainting influence of prior beliefs, beliefs that others in good faith have themselves accepted as true ............. Do you see the point? What I'm am pointing to is the examination of the most fundamental belief of one's life: the largely unexamined assumption that I am what I think I am. "Who am I really?" ........... Everything else flows from that. To ignore this question is to remain trapped in thought forms of who you are and thought forms about "god" and how he can be related to/known, a "god" whose existence is assumed based on some outside agency, a "god" who people think that they "understand" because of religious texts.

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    My gut tells me that you and James Thomas are on the right track. I'm just doing my due diligence.


  • dawg

    My intent isn't to make anyone feel badly, I asked the question I asked becasue I think the Bible doesn't make sence. Think of what believers are trying to sell... eating of a fruit casued the death of man! When everything else dies but man wasn't meant to... and the only explaination believers have... a snake told a lady to eat a fruit and becasue someone else ate a fruit we all must die... god reminds me of a drunken redneck coming home and finding his wife cheating./..he kills everyone in the trailer including his wife..., and what did the kids do to desreve this? Nothing!

  • TopHat

    Open Mind? I don,t see James Thomas on this he using another name?

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    Sorry about that. James Thomas is another poster (one of my favorites, btw) who has shared views quite similar to those of "Poppers". He's way beyond belief in the Bible and any traditional view of God. If you'd like to stretch the limits of your consciousness check out some of his posts.


    Please correct me if my observations about you are off the mark. It's not my intent to try hanging a label on you and James Thomas. I really value both of your contributions to this forum.

    Garybuss said:

    "It is especially important to keep a tactful tongue in our head when living in a divided household."
    The Watchtower April 1, 1955

    Good reminder. I assume you were referring to JWD? I'll have to add that to a very short list of good things I've learned from the Watchtower.

    Dawg said:

    "god reminds me of a drunken redneck coming home and finding his wife cheating./..he kills everyone in the trailer including his wife..., and what did the kids do to desreve this? Nothing!"

    LMAO. I'm saving that one! BTW, your last post was a nice blend of tact & straight shooting.

    Open Mind

    p.s. Gotta go act like I'm ringing door bells in a few minutes. Or do my best to preach a message of love and acceptance without giving credit to the dubs.

  • jgnat

    I think the bible can also lead people out of the Watchtower society. If you encourage your wife to read it without supplement, especially the New Testament, you can get her to start questioning the "lack of love" in the society. There's the overburden of rules that is far too similar to the Pharisees. There's the shunning and cruelty to "sinners". Have her read the red letters first. Have her read the parables instead of the prophecies. What was Jesus really saying?

    You can help your wife question the society without challenging her devotion to the bible, by encouraging a STRONGER Christian outlook.

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