Did God ever Exist?

by found-my-way 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • found-my-way

    Reading so many posts on atheism which is the belief that there is no god, and reading comments from creationists made me ponder if there was an alternate reason for our existence.

    If God is up there, why does he permit suffering? If I were God, I wouldn't of let it happen in the first place, these are my children, why would I let them suffer?

    Maybe I am influenced by my creationist upbringing and beliefs while a JW, because I find it hard to wrap my brain around the idea that everything came from nothing. That all of the awesome power of the universe simply came to be. I'm sure my theory is not new...but before I thought of it, I had never read about it anywhere...nor had ever thought about it before until now....

    There was a very powerful intelligent being, and it was the source of all the power, all the elements, every micron and atom in our universe. Billions and billions of year ago, this creator explodes, giving all of it's power to space, creating the building blocks of life, creating time...life which took eons to develope...and here we are now, and that is why ''god'' isn't in the picture, That is why there is no answer to our prayers, no supreme being to show us IT EXISTS because It died the very day It created life...the greatest act of love..It's death was for our life...and that is why so many believe that god is within us all, within all the wonderful beautiful creation, in the stars we see at night, all the beauty and the ugliness that surrounds us...in a way, we are all made up of the fabric that was god...

    just a random thought I had tonight that I wanted to share...

  • nvrgnbk
    That is why there is no answer to our prayers, no supreme being to show us IT EXISTS because It died the very day It created life...the greatest act of love..It's death was for our life...and that is why so many believe that god is within us all, within all the wonderful beautiful creation, in the stars we see at night, all the beauty and the ugliness that surrounds us...in a way, we are all made up of the fabric that was god...

    This is an interesting alternative theory to ponder, found. It satisfies both the spiritual and the logical found in each and every one of us. Very deep!


  • garybuss

    Before thinking about God, think about scale. Scale of planet earth and now think of human animals on planet earth.

    This site has scale progress pictures.


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Dude, I dont know if you know this or not, but what you describe is the blueprint of how the marvel universe came to be.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    "God? Come out come out where ever you are" Here's WAAAAAAC!"

    good post found-my-way

  • Liza

    That idea reminds me of the story of Tiamat. Tiamat was some goddess turned dragon (the four headed D&D depiction of tiamat is made up by them, the believed Tiamat looked more like a giant winged lion) who got slaughtered and then the universe was created with her guts.

  • found-my-way


    Huge astronomy fan here......I am well aware of the relative scale of our solar system's planets. thanks for posting those pics

  • tetrapod.sapien

    hi FMW! nice thoughts.

    There was a very powerful intelligent being, and it was the source of all the power, all the elements, every micron and atom in our universe. Billions and billions of year ago, this creator explodes, giving all of it's power to space, creating the building blocks of life, creating time...life which took eons to develope...and here we are now, and that is why ''god'' isn't in the picture, That is why there is no answer to our prayers, no supreme being to show us IT EXISTS because It died the very day It created life...the greatest act of love..It's death was for our life...and that is why so many believe that god is within us all, within all the wonderful beautiful creation, in the stars we see at night, all the beauty and the ugliness that surrounds us...in a way, we are all made up of the fabric that was god...

    at this point in your description i would venture an aditional question: what is the difference between the god you hypothetically describe here, and no god at all? so, if i were to apply a label to what you are talking about, it would sound like a form of pantheism or deism (since you had mentioned these are fairly new thoughts to you). but i like the pantheistic overtones. god is the universe because all came from him only because all is him. but at this point we should be careful not to anthropomorphisize the begining cause. calling it "him" is probably an easily made mistake for humans to make. but really, in this view, it doesn't mean that god had to die for all to live. it just means that god is in all of us because all of nature/cosmos is god. since we are part of that, we also are god.

    i would also venture that in this view it would not have to be an act of love, but only an act of becoming, which doesn't have to be a conscious act either.

    so, what i am trying to say, is just remember that taking "humanness" out of the equation is as important to critical thought as investing humanness into the cosmos is to spiritual thought. we have to balance between the two, imo. and labels mean different things to different people. i could read your post and switch the word "god" for "nature" as easily as i could switch "act of love" for " big bang". you know? not to say it wasn't a cool post! it was way cool! thanks!


    ps: "simply came to be" doesn't represent what happened. it was anything but simple. but hey, we're still doing pretty good. at least we know it wasn't simple! :)

  • free2beme

    God exist in what ever way empowers you. One lock, a million keys.

  • found-my-way
    but really, in this view, it doesn't mean that god had to die for all to live. it just means that god is in all of us because all of nature/cosmos is god. since we are part of that, we also are god.

    i would also venture that in this view it would not have to be an act of love, but only an act of becoming, which doesn't have to be a conscious act either.

    Agreed 100%!

    Hence why I did not call god by Him, but by It. Wether or not love came into play we cant know, I thought it was neat to ponder the idea.

    Thank you for writing an awesome scientific explanation to my child-like ''thesis''! I mean that.

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