Had The Big Chat with my wife...

by besty 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abandoned
    So its been sinking in for a few days and now she is talking about never going back...WOW This is happening faster than I planned.....

    Congratulations!!! This is awesome.

    This weekend I attended an ex-jw meetup. Everyone there except myself was born into the cult. The stories were horrifying but encouraging too since they all managed to escape. It's so sad to see people giving up their hopes and dreams just to follow a bunch of anal-retentive pharisees.

  • sspo

    I am happy for you.

    When i spoke up as you did, my wife of 26 years left and chose the organization.

    Spiritual endangerment.

  • BluesBrother

    Congrats besty (named after George?}

    don't we wish the same for our nearest ???

  • OnTheWayOut

    Three cheers-

    Good for you.

  • Confession

    That's fantastic. I suppose there's something to be said for "waiting for the right moment." Excellent timing.

  • dawg

    You're a lucky man

  • LittleToe

    Great news

    Try not to push it too hard in your enthusiasm, though. Noone needs information overload, especially when coming to important decisions in their lives. There may still be some triggers in there that could cause her to jump back to "mother".

    Good luck!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    That's great news Besty, congrats!!

    I hope your wife sticks with what she's said, and doesn't go back. Please keep us informed.


  • Clam

    Besty that's great. Let's hope it's the beginning of the end so to speak.

    It's good that Mrs Besty (and her Mother) has non JW friends as well, for all the obvious reasons, but even to JWs it really must beggar belief that all the wonderful, kind, generous "worldly" people are for the chop, purely because they have no interest in being unpaid Watchtower salespeople.

    Keep us posted


  • free2think

    That's great news.

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