Our Neighbours are learning!

by fullofdoubtnow 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • fullofdoubtnow

    We live in a block of 6 flats, with communal security doors at the front and back. Apart from between 7am and 10am every day, when the trades entrance button will open the front security door, no one can get in here unless they have a fob to open the security doors with, or unless one of the residents lets them in.

    The jws were just at the front security door, obviously getting their hour in after the morning meeting. They don't ring our bell, they know better, so they were ringing the other bells. Some of our neighbours are out, it seems, but the guy in the flat above is in. When the jws rang his bell, we heard him open his window to see who it was. Now all our neighbours know we are ex jws, and are well aware of our opinion of the watchtower, but they do usually let the bros in when they ring.

    However, our neighbour had other ideas today. We heard him ask the jws what they wanted, and the conversation went like this:

    Neighbour (Steve): Who are you and what do you want?

    JWs: We are here to share an important message from the bible with you and your neighbours

    Steve: Are you jehovah's witnesses?

    JWs (hesitant) errm, yes we are.

    Steve: My mate (Trev) told me all about your bullshit. Whatever you've got to say, I don't want to hear it.

    JWs: I don't know what you've been told (though he's probably got a good idea, he knows we live here), but I can assure you that our message is very important for you and all your neighbours

    Steve: Including the people in the flat below? I bet you haven't rung their bell

    JWs: Well, they aren't called on at their own request

    Steve: Ok, I'm making the same request. Pi$$ off and don't come back.

    Jws: Will you let us in the block? Your neighbours may not feel as you do.

    Steve: I wouldn't bet on that, if I were you.

    JWs: They should be the ones to decide that, not you

    Steve: Ring their bells then. Now pi$$ off and stop annoying me. (closing the window)

    The jws tried the other bells, but no one answered, so they didn't get in here today. We were almost tempted to wave to them as they walked away, but we didn't . What got me was how they hesitated before they admitted they were jws. I thought they were supposed to be proud to bear jehovahs name?

    Trev says he'll buy Steve a beer next time he sees him in our local!


  • Es

    Lol that was great heheh.

    How you feeling hun, its good to see you on the board

    luv ya


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Es,

    It's great to see you.

    I started chemotherapy this week, and It's left me drained, nauseus and without any real appetite. I am feeling a bit better now, and my neighbour cheered me up with his conversation with the bro. The anti nausea drugs helped a little, but I've been smoked some cannabis the last few days, and that's made me feel a lot better, as well as being a fun way to cure nausea lol.

    It's going to be a long road to recovery, but I'll get there.


  • Dansk

    Hi ((((((((Linda))))))))))),

    There's nothing like a good laugh to effect a cure

    Claire and I saw a couple of young JWs on the street yesterday. As it was only around 9.00 a.m. we could only assume they must have been pioneering (one had a tract in their hand). To think we were once that zealous!

    Claire I agreed that there will always be people who continue to be JWs because they're steeped in it and refuse to consider contrary information and also because they have nothing else to cling to (especially the older ones).

    It's got to be the younger generation that brings about Watchtower's demise. The internet is a major thorn in Watchtower's side - but many people actually like to be led along. Sad, but true!

    Great to see you so bubbly and positive. I may well try some pot to rid me of the painful peripheral neuropathy. As I don't smoke I'd have to eat it! Funnily enough, a house just around the corner got raided by the police last week. Turns out it was a pot factory!!!

    I'm on slow-release morphine but it doesn't touch the pain. Will have to see about increasing the dose.

    Claire and I are having her dad for tea tonight and tomorrow we plan a trip out into the countryside. This weather is too nice to stay indoors. Did some gradening again this morning!

    Give Trev our love and best wishes and here's a special cyber hug for you ((((((((((((())))))))))))))


    Ian & Claire


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Ian and Clare,

    It's good to see you!

    I have been told that you can buy marijuana in pill form, called marinol. I don't know if it's available here, it was a poster from the USA who told me about it, but smoking it is effective, apart from I was constantly giggling after the first time I tried it. I haven't used that since I was at University, and I'd forgotten what effect it could have. Trev hasn't used it in years either, but he knows people who do, and got it easily. If you can find some way to use it, it will probably help, one of the doctors told me it is one of the most effective ways to treat post-chemo nausea that he knows about.

    As for the jws, I knew all the ones that were down here, and Trev knew most of them. We have Marion here today for dinner, and a friend of mine from work who is currently fading, and we all had a good laugh at our neighbour's response to the jws. You are right, humour is a good cure for so many ills, I certainly feel in a good mood now (and I haven't had any cannabis yet today)


  • MsMcDucket

    I'm so glad to hear that you're doing ok! Love and hugs and kisses to you and Trev!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi MsMcDuckett,

    Nice to hear from you

    I am feeling ok today. I have some friends here, and Trev is looking after me well. The chemo is rough, horrible in fact, but I am going to try and live as normal a life as I can around treatment days. I can't seem to get over the tiredness, and I have had a few moments when I've felt a little confused. I was warned that might happen, but it's still very disconcerting when it does.

    I was a bit hesitant about smoking weed, as it is still illegal here, though, as Trev says, I doubt the police will knock on our door on the off chance one of us is puffing on a joint, but it has helped, as well as making me feel good in other ways as well. I was so high a couple of days ago I couldn't post lol!

    I'm just going to try to enjoy this weekend, and my life in general, as much as I can


  • olvidado

    Oh, Linda, I didn know about your chemitherapy. I hope that everything will be OK for you, you look like you are a very positive parson and you have a lot of support from your friends. I would like to put theses funny little drawings other people put in the text, but I still dont know how to do it. Anyway, I wish you the best.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Oldivado, and thankyou

    I only started chemotherapy this week, Monday, so I have a long road ahead of me, but I have plenty of support, both at home with my husband and friends, and with my many friends on this forum.

    If you want to use emoticons, click on the yellow smiley face, then click on the emoticom of your choice


  • badboy

    JWS turn up at our communal blocks some monhs ago.

    They were told o P*** off by my next door neighbour.

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