Our Neighbours are learning!

by fullofdoubtnow 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi valkyrie, and thankyou.

    I haven't heard of that, but there are a couple of health food shops in Derbu city centre, so Trev can pop in and inquire about it on Tuesday. I am willing to try anything that can help me get through this, because though the cannabis relieves the nausea symptoms, I am still very drained from chemo, and not able to do some of the things I would like to do. I will certainly give it a try if we can get any.


  • Crumpet

    That's a great story Linda! Your mate and neighbour deserves that pint as soon as you are up to both taking him out to enjoy it!


    ((Linda))..Nice to see you on the board!..What a great way to start sunday morning.You got me laughing!..The JW`s don`t like to say who they are over here either.It was never a problem back in the old days..They`re reputation has gotten worse over the years..And..They now lie about what they actually believe,at the doors..I thought it was odd and just here..I started a thread and found out it was happening everywhere.....My best to you and Trev...OUTLAW

  • fullofdoubtnow
    Your mate and neighbour deserves that pint as soon as you are up to both taking him out to enjoy it!

    Hi Crumpet,

    He certainly does! He entertained us this lunchtime, though the jws probably didn't find it too entertaining lol!

    The best of it is, there were 4 of us here to enjoy it, including a friend from work who is currently trying to fade, and the jws had no idea she was here having a good laugh at their expense.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Thanks Outlaw,

    Nice to see you as well. The jws were so hesitant about admitting they were jws, I wish we'd been recording it, we'd have had it on youtube by now lol. Next time.....

    I somehow don't think they will make any converts in this block, no matter how many times they call.


  • juni

    You are a special lady Linda!

    I could just see all of you huddling around w/your ears open to the goings on between the JWs and Steve!!

    I think perhaps the JWs himmed and hawed cause they were trying to think of another identity - perhaps census takers??? or environmentalists?? And then they had the audacity to ask Steve if he would buzz them in? Good grief......they are a bold lot. Well, I guess I used to do some of the same things......

    Love you my friend,


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Juni

    I could just see all of you huddling around w/your ears open to the goings on between the JWs and Steve!!

    We were all ears, although my workmate had to stay out of sight, not that they were trying to look into our flat. We haven't seen Steve since, but I expect we'll have a word with him later or tomorrow, and thank him for the laugh!


  • greendawn

    It shows how important it is to educate the public about the JWs so that they won't fall victim of the cult though by now most people at least in the Western world know what they really stand for with depriving themselves and even their children of life saving blood transfusions and shunning family members or friends when they leave the cult.

  • lfcviking

    Thats remarkable how you remembered that entire conversation word for word. Did you tape it perhaps?

  • fullofdoubtnow
    Thats remarkable how you remembered that entire conversation word for word. Did you tape it perhaps?

    No, we didn't tape it, but we wish we had, we'd probably have put it on youtube.

    We could hear everything they were saying, and I posted it immediately. It's more or less exactly what was said.

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