What do you feel is your greatest achievement?

by avidbiblereader 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • avidbiblereader

    Something simple as raising your kids?

    Schooling? Leaving the Witnesses and breaking tradition? Career? WHAT?


  • ex-nj-jw

    Obtaining my nursing and radiology degree!!!

    Giving birth to and raising 3 children!!!

    Successfully leaving the JW cult while still young enough to pursue a career and not letting them ruin my life (except for the first 18 years)


  • EnlightenedMind

    Those are good examples, abr. Mine is a actually a combination of all of those. I'm proud of all of the things that I have accomplished in spite of the JW influence in my life.

    I'm glad that I had the gumption to not just passively accept all of the JW propaganda that had been shoved down my throat since birth. Along those same lines, I'm glad I had the common sense to realize the value of a college education, despite all of the admonitions to the contrary.

    The strict rules and constant nitpicking of the JWs breeds doubt and self-consciousness in those that grew up in the "truth". Applying to and actually getting accepted into law school was a huge accomplishment for me, because for the first time, I saw a real manifestation of my potential.

    My biggest achievement, once it is realized, will be instilling the same sense of confidence and self-worth in my daughter, so that she grows up knowing her potential and believing that she is capable of achieving whatever she sets her mind to.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Tough to say what is the "greatest" achievement:

    - Living through some wild, dangerous adventures as a teen and young man.

    - Beating the odds, going to college, getting a good career.

    - Raising some wonderful offspring.

    - Realizing I was in a cult, leaving it, and not losing faith in God.

    - Finding family I had no contact with for decades.

    - Realizing each year, while learning new things, I realize I know less of what is to be known.

    - Being a forgiving, empathetic person.

    - Loving God, loving love, loving learning, and loving life.

    BA- To name but a few achievements that come to mind. Which is greatest? Tough to say.

  • ninja

    breaking free from the cult ...was diffi"cult" and even though I have lost some "friends" I know I have kept my integrity to God and myself........oh yeah...and learning guitar...he he.....da ninja....Having a happy 17 year marriage and raising three outstanding wee ones..even though they are still cultified at the moment....did I say playing guitar?...

  • yaddayadda

    When I was a dub I felt my greatest achievement was to have brought 3 people into the 'truth' (studying right through to baptism).

    Now my greatest achievement is winning last year's office golf tournament lol.

  • zagor

    Having a beautiful daughter!

  • RichieRich


    Leaving the WT, and kicking them in the knee in the process.

    and uh

    Contributing to the world, instead of taking away from it.

  • jaguarbass

    Henry David Thoreau Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.

    No great achievement just a lot of mediocrity

    Like Solomon said. It's all vanity. And to top it off you cant really get to know the Lord. You just get closer to the loony bin.

    When you talk to God its called praying.

    When God talks to you. You are called insane.

  • serendipity

    Breaking the cycle of child abuse as a parent.

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