What was the biggest secret that you kept from everyone

by TheCoolerKing 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    What was the biggest "secret" that you kept from everyone when you were a witness?

    That I played the lottery and had serious doubts about many of their teachings.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am waiting to expose my humongous secret in front of millions of people on national television.
    Oprah, Jerry, Maury, Montel- one of them. Why should I just tell you guys?

    If I am going to ruin a secret, I might as well do it with a bigger bang.

    But it has nothing to do with... nevermind.

  • V

    That I am V.

  • RichieRich

    Sometimes, when I wake up in the morning, and walk past my mirror, I can't stop smiling.

  • TheCoolerKing
    Hay cooler king and the others that posted, when you guys say "dating worldly people".......do really mean have sex with them or just going to the movies and eating popcorn together?.....big difference.

    Well as a baptised JW I couldnt have pre-marital sex!!! But being with a "worldly" girl had its advantages at the movies!!! anybody remember drive-ins???

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    My life was always an open book for everyone. Even when I left. Thats why I don't care if they know that I'm posting here. Just another story for their boring lives. Ho hum

  • found-my-way

    As a baptized teenager, I knew about other teenagers having sex with their JW boyfriend/girlfriends, but I never told a single person that I knew....my friends told me their dirty little secrets because they knew I would keep it confedential. Not one of my friends was a virgin, including myself...only I had to appear in a JC about it.....got privately reproved.

  • new boy
    new boy

    Cooler King............couldn't and didn't...........which is it?

    You want everyone deepest secret........and you are holding back aren't you?

  • TheCoolerKing

    Cooler King............couldn't and didn't...........which is it?

    You want everyone deepest secret........and you are holding back aren't you?

    Nope, no holding back here. Thought it was clear. (I never said didn't, I said couldn't ...) So to answer the question, "YES, we had sex!!!"

    oh my, I hope the elders at my old hall arent reading this!!! (Not that it matters of course!!! )
  • Panda

    Maybe it's just me but, have you ever thought that the WTS reads stuff like this thread and then say 'Well of course they were never really in the truth, those sinners and apostates never belonged in J's organisation...blah blah blah.' Or maybe this is where they get material for CO's talks on "local problems", which are of course adapted to mean everywhere.

    When Mr.Panda was alive we did whatever it took to "keep our love alive". God I miss that man.

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