Today's Text is Scriptural Blasphemy

by gumby 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Truth_Giver

    I find it very funny to see ones who are weak minded try to explain issues they don't truly understand. First of all, everyone seems to be thinking figuratively on these subjects. Instead of trying to understand both sides, like those who truly want to understand the bible, i.e. Jehovahs Witnesses, you simply go with crowd and throw truth to the wind. Like the statement about throwing out love for your fellowman. If a volcano was going to blow-up, you and a few people found out about it and decided to tell everyone to get out, that in its self would showing love for your fellowman because you are trying to show them that if they don't get out they WILL die.

    Witnesses do as Jesus commanded the first christians, Go forth and make deciples. If anyone truly studies the bible they will learn of the impending doom for Satan his demons and this system of things. If the witnesses didnt go forth and teach ones to look toward the bible for support, they wouldnt be showing that love.

    So you should think next time a JW comes to your house, they set aside their time out of their day to come and help you to succeed in calling satan a liar for his remark to the true god, that he could turn all of mankind against him. Why dont you try and go Door to Door and inform people of bible truths and have litterally laugh, spit, yell and ridicule you for trying to help them escape with their lives.

  • yaddayadda

    Arthur said: "One example of this is the term "spiritual pornography". This term sounds down right repulsive and it evokes a very visceral reaction just upon hearing it. But, what does it really mean? According to WT publications, it means any material (in print or electronic) which is critical of the Watchtower Society. In fact, any material which makes observations about the WTS that is less than flattering would fit under this term."

    I've never heard the Society use the term 'spiritual pornography' and your definition of it. Where are you getting this from Arthur? Quotes please.

  • Gill

    Gumby - In the end the members of the WTBTS, under direction from the FDS DO NOT DO UNCONDITIONAL LOVE as I think the course you have been forced to take your very self, has proved!

    You can only be 'loved' by a member of the JW religion if you DO THE HOURS, be it meeting attendance, FS, Studies etc.

    Therefore, this does not really qualify as love!

    Jehovah's Witnesse wouldn't know 'LOVE' if it jumped up and bit them on the buttocks!!

    This blasphemy of scripture that you pointed out doesn't mention meeting attendance, assemblys, FS or book placing!

    Only the WT society would judge someone so cruelly and then discard them as worthless bird food.

    I sincerely hope, with all my heart, for your sake Gumby, that you do not feel the real strength of their conditional love ever again.....BUT, this judgmentalism of your JW friends and family is not going to change as long as they bandy scriptures with such a perverse interpretation about!

    I believe, Gumby, this is why a scripture like this will 'stick out like a sore thumb' to you.

    YOU of all people, really understand the consequences of their wicked interpretations and dreadful power of control on their little slaves!

  • alotlikemay

    i agree it was a good spot Gumby

    oh I have thousands of experiences of the love of my brothers and sisters

    but Gumby you're still associating with people like that? I mean, you know they're that shallow and contriving, but you're still there? not judging you but am always perplexed to find this...

  • Gill

    Truth_Giver - You're kidding me, right!? You've either not been a JW for very long and still believe all the fantastic BS, or you're so deep under mind control that only YOU can wake yourself up! Is that what you're doing posting on bad and evil apostate boards? Are you beginning to wake up? If so, this is a good place to do it as you will receive all the support you could possibly need as you come to your senses and realise what they have done to you!

    Good luck Truth_Giver!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Jehovahs witnesses have great love for other jws - as long as they carry on being jws. Their love is totally conditional for each other, and I don't believe that many of them truly love mankind in general either. They share their beliefs because they think there's something in it for them, and the gb tell them they will lose out on paradise if they don't preach. But for that, I doubt many of them would go out in the ministry at all.


    I find it very funny to see ones who are weak minded try to explain issues they don't truly understand

    Actually, we do understand about jws and their so called agape love, most of onhere used to be jws. The lack of love in the watchtower org is one of the main reasons why many of us are no longer members of it.

  • Gill

    Hi Linda! Great Point!

    I can confirm that I was a JW from birth to nearly 38 years old! That makes me an expert on the JW brand of lunacy. God knows I suffered enough under their stupid ideas!

    Miss a few meetings and the buggers will drop you like a hot potato! Say the wrong thing, and they'll gossip about you for weeks, months or years! Wear the wrong thing, do the the slightest thing wrong and your're marked, shunned, judged, criticised!

    Having left the Watchtower for over five years now, I can honestly say that the only really bad and heartless people I have met so far in my life have been Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't doubt there are plenty of bad asses in the world, BUT the Watchtower has more than its fair share of cruelty.

    Any one who says different is just deceiving themselves and can't bear to face the very sad facts.

  • JH

    If a JW's neighbour is hungry, they will feed them Watchtowers and Awakes.

    Yeah, lots of love....

  • fullofdoubtnow
    I can confirm that I was a JW from birth to nearly 38 years old! That makes me an expert on the JW brand of lunacy.

    Gill, that's worse than a life sentence for murder!

    I was in 25 years, joining at the age of 21, so I'm something of an expert as well. I think everyone who has been in for a few years and leaves can see what a crazy organisation they've been part of.

    I feel sad for those who are still trapped and haven't seen through the bs yet. I hope they come to their senses, but I guess some of them will allow themselves to continue being duped until the day they die. So sad


  • Gill

    Linda - Looks like we both got 'life sentences' in Watchtower land! I think someone forgot to deliver my 'release papers' in time though!!

    You're right about what you see when you step away from the organization. Deep in the Cult, it all appears to be OK and its easy to dismiss feelings of misgivng. When you step back you begin to see the insanity of the Jehoah's Witness Cult and its controling destructive ways.

    It is very sad for all those we see still trapped in its grip!

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