New Corporate Smoking Policy - Need some suggestions.

by El Kabong 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    I work for a fairly large corporation. Our company is establishing a new tobacco policy where smokers and tobacco users are no longer allowed to use tobacco in any form, either cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chew, or snuff, anywhere on company property. This includes inside or outside the building, the parking lot, or even in your own personal vehicle while in the parking lot. Basically, while you are on the clock, you cannot use tobacco, period, while on company property, even if the building is leased and other companies allow smoking outside. If someone needs a smoke, they would have to walk or drive off the property.

    So, lucky me, has been given the task by corporate to find out ways to communicate and enforce this new policy, as well as come up with some suggestions on alternates to tobacco use while at work.

    So, I'm asking if anybody has any suggestions that can be used to curtail smoking while at work, and offer any suggestions on alternatives to tobacco use. Also, I'm wondering if anybody else has a similar policy at their place of employment.

    Thanks in advance for any helpful advise that may be given.

  • reneeisorym

    I worked at a place that did not allow smoking within sight of the building. We had to drive to the park and smoke there. The only way I can tell you that they enforced it was by setting a rule and you got evaluated for a raise based on your following the rules. Eveyone wanted to try so hard to get a raise that they tried to behave as much as possible.


    Let's hear it for the anti-smoking Nazis!

    XJW of the fromer smoker class, but thinks rules like this are unconstitutional.

  • under_believer

    Something tells me that this policy is unenforceable.

  • BrentR

    There are plenty of nicotine patches, gums, inhalers, lozenges etc. Hopefully the smoking or tobacco using employees will find another job. It's one thing to ban smoking on company property but to try to control peoples lives when they are off the clock is insane and overstepping. If the employees don't pitcha fit they will continue with even more intrusive policies. Has anyone ever worked with a vegan or vegatarien? Don't you enjoy thier unsolicited input on whatever you decided to have for lunch? What if enough of them start making company policy and forbid any animal or meat products on company property?

    I had an instructor in college that did just that and he was a complete assclown about it. He died of cancer about five years ago.

    (I am not really it just looks like it, but I am not)

  • ex-nj-jw

    I work for a hospital - no smoking anywhere. If you are caught you get a write up, 3 write ups and you are gone!!

    They do however offer support groups for smoking cessation, as well as $$$ for medication or no smoking aids.

    I don't smoke so it's not an issue for me, however my friend does and I'm constantly covering her while she goes for a smoke break (riding around the block), this can be annoying also!!

    Good luck


  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Thanks for the replies so far. I agree...especially I am a smoker. I quit for 5 years, but started up again a couple of years ago.

    I don't know how they will enforce this...the company policy does state that an employee CAN be terminated for breaking this policy. It's their ballpark, and as long as the people are employed by this company, they can't smoke while at work. I agree it's unfair, but I like the suggestion about Patches, gum, and lozenges. Any others?

  • FreeFromWTBS

    I quite smoking and found the lozenges worked best because they last a long time. I haven't figured out how you get off the lozenges but I guess its better than smoking. The problem is that these products are meant for people that are going to quite smoking so I am not sure that you can suggest them to be used only during office hours. Although, I know many smokers who will use such products if they know they will be somewhere they can't smoke. Chewing gum and straws may help. I would also recommend that if they are not going to quite then to get out at lunch for a smoke otherwise you'll have some miserable afternoons there.

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy
    I haven't figured out how you get off the lozenges but I guess its better than smoking. The problem is that these products are meant for people that are going to quite smoking so I am not sure that you can suggest them to be used only during office hours

    I have heard that a doctor told my FIL or MIL (can't remember which one) about the lozenges that you should not treat them like a regular cough drop or piece of candy. Treat it like a cig. You don't smoke in one long continuous draw, you put it down in the ash tray, and let it burn for a while, pick it back up again, etc. In other words, put the lozenge in your mouth, take it out, so on. This simulates the smoking of a cig and eventually lets you cut back and quit.

    Don't smoke, so don't know if that helps, but just something I heard.

  • rebel8

    You have a PM.

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