New Corporate Smoking Policy - Need some suggestions.

by El Kabong 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • downtoearth

    Chantix is a new medication with a 44% success rate for people trying to quit. I smoked for 35 years and tried to quit a dozen times and Chantix finally did it for me. You can smoke the first week and then quit cold turkey, no urges to smoke while on the medication. You can do the medication for 2 to 5 months, whatever you think you need, but three months is about average. My prescription cost $28 per month with insurance coverage. I recommended it to a few others who also had success. My sister in-law works in a hospital and I suggested it to her as she was on a committee something like the one you are on. She has told me it worked for many there too.

  • detective

    Thank goodness there are no rules against whiffing white out...

  • blondie

    Where I work you cannot smoke inside or on the building grounds. It is possible to walk across the street and smoke; I see a lot of employees over there. I do see that a person should use their normal break time for that and not have extra time just for smoking.

    It could be worse. I have heard of companies penalizing employees that smoke at all even in their own homes.


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    About 15 years ago I worked for a company that went to a no smoking policy. The first thing they did was create designated smoking areas. These were the only area where you could smoke. They also announced that in 6 months those areas would be gone and there would be no more smoking at work. They also offered a program to help you quit. If companies are going to do something like this it would be best to do it in stages and offer the employees help. I have mixed feeling about policies and laws like this because I feel it is a slippery slope to go down. I'm waiting for someone to be charged with child abuse for smoking with children in their home. On one hand I feel it is taking away personal freedoms but on the other hand we are all better off for them. Stores, offices and bars just smell better these days. Around here more and more beaches are making smoking illegal. I believe San Francisco has, or is going to make it illegal to smoke in the city even outside of the buildings. In the future you will see more cities doing things like this. Also some people act like you are exposing yourself if you light up in front of them. I think it is time to read the writing on the wall if you smoke. It is getting to be way too much trouble to smoke so it is better to just quit.

  • MsMcDucket

    I don't smoke so it's not an issue for me, however my friend does and I'm constantly covering her while she goes for a smoke break (riding around the block), this can be annoying also!!

    I started smoking some few years after I became a nurse. I was around 43 years old. Back then you could smoke on the premises (not inside) outside. Now, no one can smoke on hospital property. Of course, the nurses/doctors/staff will try to keep thier jobs, so they will not smoke on hospital property. What I don't get is why they don't even allow a person to smoke in their own car. This is just ridiculous!

  • purplesofa

    Recently the place I work banned smoking anywhere .....inside, outside, parking lot, grounds, personal car in parking lot.

    It is at 2 major hospitols in the city I work in and all facilities

    Patients cannot even smoke outside. I heard that some asked to be transferred to another hospitol.

    People that do smoke go across the street to public sidewalk to smoke.

    There are signs posted that it is a smoke free enviroment.

    I think they posted 6 mos in advance when it would take place and also made available patches to help people to quit at no expense.


  • BrentR

    What is so very twisted is that all of these companies will still allow obesity which is every bit as dangerous to your health as smoking is. It's OK to demonize smokers becuase there are not very many of them but try going after obese people and see what happens.

    How soon will it be before businesses will be going transfat free. You can have a cheeseburger but you will have to eat it across the street.

  • MsMcDucket

    What is so very twisted is that all of these companies will still allow obesity which is every bit as dangerous to your health as smoking is. It's OK to demonize smokers becuase there are not very many of them but try going after obese people and see what happens.

    Someone posted about this a few months back. I'm really upset by the fact that others have the right to regulate what I do! I didn't smoke when I was pregnant or as a teen. Now, that I'm over 40 and decided to start smoking everybody's pitching a fit about it! This is not right! I think smoker's need to start having rallies and start picketing. I don't want to smoke inside of the building, but I think we should be able to smoke outside.

    The next thing you know they'll be having genetic testing for cancer, diabetes, lupus, arthritis and whatever else disease is out there. We're just the easiest target right now.

  • I quit!
    I quit!
    The next thing you know they'll be having genetic testing for cancer, diabetes, lupus, arthritis and whatever else disease is out there. We're just the easiest target right now.

    I think you are right. At least I think this is where it will lead with the insurance companies.

  • BrentR

    As humans we are entitled to at least one unhealthy guilty pleasure. For one person it may be eating a whole container of Bon Bons and for another it may be a cig. None of us should be throwing stones because we all live in glass houses.

    Besides, health nuts are going to feel kind of stupid laying in a hospital dying of nothing. You may think you are going to live forever but statistics say otherwise.

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