How soon is soon?

by TooBad TooSad 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • TopHat

    When I was trying to fade, the brothers and sister would come by to encourage me to come the meetings...I always answered with... I will SOON!

  • needproof

    One more:

    The truth that leads to eternal life 1981 p9 Grand blessings from God near at hand

    ( Published in the 1968 edition )

    Also, as reported back in 1960, a former United States Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, declared that our time is 'a period of unequalled instability, unequalled violence. And he warned: 'I know enough of what is going on to assure you that, in fifteen years from today, this world is going to be too dangerous to live in'

    ( Published in the 1981 edition )

    Also, as reported back in 1960, a former United States Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, declared that our time is 'a period of unequalled instability, unequalled violence. Based on what he knew was then going on in the world, it was his conclusion that soon 'this world is going to be too dangerous to live in'

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    "Soon" usually implies within one's lifetime, but what the Watchtower really means is "soon (15 minutes after you're dead)..."

  • Borgia

    *** pm chap. 16 p. 274 par. 33 Presentation of the King Brings Release to Prisoners ***

    Already 207 countries and island groups have heard, and this in 165 languages. In God’s unchangeable due time—soon now—all Christendom and all other elements of this worldly system of things must be cleared off all this territory in the fast-nearing “great tribulation” such as the world of mankind has never before known.

    *** te chap. 14 pp. 59-60 Power over Wind and Waves ***

    Jesus was very tired. He had worked hard all day. So he went to the back of the boat and lay down on a pillow. soon he was fast asleep.

    Divine pan of ages:A291

    We are not given explicit information as to the exact manner in which these two phases of the heavenly kingdom will harmoniously operate; but we have an illustration of the manner in which they may operate, in God's dealings with Israel through their representatives, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, the prophets, etc.--though the coming manifestations of divine power will far exceed those of that typical [A291] age; for the work of the coming age comprises the awakening of all the dead and the restoration of the obedient to perfection. This work will necessitate the establishment of a perfect government among men, with perfect men in positions of control, that they may rightly order the affairs of state. It will necessitate the appointment of proper educational facilities of every character, as well as philanthropic measures of various kinds. And this noble work of thus elevating the race by sure and steady steps (under the direction of the unseen spiritual members of the same kingdom) is the high honor to which the ancient worthies are appointed, and for which they will come forth prepared soon after the final wreck of the kingdoms of this world and the binding of Satan, their prince. And as the divinely honored representatives of the heavenly kingdom, they will soon receive the honor and cooperation of all men. The time is at hand:179

    The family circle has been sadly broken by the bondage of corruption-- death. Thank God for the promised time of release! The Jubilee is at hand, and soon the captives of Death and slaves of Sin shall have back their first estate, perfect manhood, and their first inheritance, the earth--the gift of God through Jesus Christ, the mediator and ratifier of the New Covenant. So, the WTBS has been crying SOON for more than 130 years. THAT is very soon indeed.

    Though in Jesus's case soon meant within a few minutes or even seconds. Yeah. They really must have an unearthly concept of time.



  • Sunspot

    In 1973 we were delivering tracts for the WTS that we had to get out URGENTLY within TEN DAYS to warn the public of the coming destruction.....coming...SOON!!!We were scared to death of "1975" with all the talks we heard "from the platform" and in our car groups. JWs are still living in fear and under the assumption that the day is.........coming.....soooooon.

  • anewme

    The writers of these "religious" publications hope and count on the readers fanning the flames of paranoia and zeal and spreading fantastic visions of the "soon" future through their speculative outrageous comments at the meetings.

  • bubble

    Make a graph of ifinite time, tie a blindfold around your eyes and stick a pin in anywhere on the graph.

    That's how the society figure out what is VERY SOON NOW.

  • Sunspot

    Lets face it---how many mags could JWs place if they delivered the REAL message of hope---that Christ already GAVE His life to assure mankind of an eternity of peace and love? NOBODY has to "earn" a free gift!

    And...the householders have heard this for years, they know exactly where they can hear more....and NOT from the twisted teachings about a Pretend Lalaland that JWs are spending THEIR lives slaving for a "place" in.

    The trouble IS that these householders DON'T know that the WTS has cleverly and deceitfully orchestrated every MOVE the JWs make to gain new converts FOR the WTS....and NOT for Christ. The "soon" element is to keep the JWs and those that listen to them....on their toes...and serving the Watchtower for as long as "soooon" goes on.

    How sweet it IS to be FREE of the WTS chains!!!!!!!

    I only WISH I had gotten OUT of it...............SOONER!!

  • proplog2

    Why do you always jump to the conclusion that there is some ulterior motive for saying the end is soon? They are simply following the example of the early Christians. Christians have always believed the Master was coming soon. And there are even suggestions that it may seem that Jesus is taking to long to return.

    Those who don't believe it is coming soon - don't really believe it.

    JW's have a lot of things mixed up - but with this they are in good company. They are just being true believers.

    If you don't believe it just admit it and forget about it. But don't criticize people for holding their hope "close in mind".

  • blondie


    *** w04 10/15 p. 17 “Go About in the Land” ***
    In our case, we are on the threshold of the promised earthly Paradise.

    *** w04 12/1 p. 8 Highlights From the Book of Joshua ***
    As we stand at the threshold of the promised new world, our position is comparable to that of the sons of Israel who were poised to take possession of the Promised Land.

    *** w03 10/15 p. 6 How Can You Make Wise Decisions? ***
    We are on the threshold of that new world. Will you enter to enjoy everlasting life on earth under God’s Kingdom? Or will you be removed from the earth when Satan’s system is eliminated?

    *** w01 9/15 p. 10 Will Jehovah’s Blessing Overtake You? ***
    Today, we stand on the threshold of a vastly superior Promised Land—a paradise earth in which blessings far richer than those of Joshua’s day await all who have God’s approval.

    *** w01 10/15 p. 19 Acquire a Heart Agreeable to Jehovah ***
    However, Christians today stand at the threshold of a wonderful Promised Land—God’s righteous new world. (2 Peter 3:13)

    *** w00 1/15 p. 7 God’s Prophetic Word Gives Hope for the Future ***
    ) Yes, we stand at the very threshold of the fulfillment of Jehovah’s decree against Satan and his entire wicked system

    *** w00 4/1 p. 15 Pay Attention to God’s Prophetic Word ***
    . We know that we are on the threshold of the best of times because we are very deep into “the time of the end”! (Daniel 12:4)

    *** w97 7/15 p. 19 Are You Pursuing Virtue? ***
    Today, Jehovah’s people stand at the threshold of the righteous new world.

    *** km 10/99 p. 1 God’s Prophetic Word Will All Come True! ***
    It stressed that right now we are on the threshold of the best of times because we are very, very deep into the time of the end, with the new system just ahead!

    *** km 7/95 p. 1 “Keep on the Watch” ***
    Today we stand at the threshold of Jesus’ arrival in the dual role of deliverer and executioner

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