The worst day of my life

by dedpoet 81 Replies latest members private

  • restrangled

    My thoughts are with you both as you face this difficult time.


  • ex-nj-jw

    Oh my, I'm sooooo sorry to hear that.

    Please give her a big hug from me, let her know that she is in my thoughts. Please be strong for you and her!!!



  • lonelysheep

    (((((((((Linda & Trev))))))))))))

    [As I sit here crying] I am so sorry and will keep you in my thoughts.

  • kerj2leev

    Linda and Trev

  • GoingGoingGone

    I'm soooo very sorry

    (((((((((hugs)))))))) to you both. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.


  • south african beef
    south african beef

    I've just got in from a bad day at work only to read your sad news.

    It put's any minor problems I have into perspective, what am I worrying about work for when I have my health?

    I haven't met you in person Linda, though of course I did see Trev at the Apostacurry and what a thoughtful helpful person he is. He will certainly help you through this.

    I have always enjoyed your comments on this sight, you have a very incisive and witty mind. I look forward to the time when you will be back on the old keyboard making us all think/laugh.

    My heartfelt thoughts and wishes go out to you both and I echo the other comments that have been made on this thread.

    With all my love,



  • jgnat

    Your romance is close to my heart, as it was a mature pairing, much like mine. (Well, mature as in older. Not that hubby and I always behave maturely). I have enjoyed watching your devotion to each other.

    It's a scary prognosis, but I can't think of anyone better to be at her side. I am glad you have each other to get through this.

  • Angharad

    ((((Linda & Trev))) Sorry to hear your shocking news, hang in there both of you.

  • LovesDubs

    Oh noooooooooooooooooo..... I sure hope you got to this early enough. Will she have a whipple? My sister in law who is only 44 went into the hospital in November with cramps and what they thought was gallbladder or appendicitis or something and she ended up having stage 4 pancreatic cancer! It's so insidious and you dont even know you have it until it gets really bad. Im so sorry you guys have to deal with this.

    Please take our hugs and our hearts with you guys. Hang in there. Fight fight fight!!


  • Xena

    I'm so sorry to hear this bad news, but it's good that the doctors seem positive. It's nice you have each other for support, it lightens the load a little, hopefully.

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