The worst day of my life

by dedpoet 81 Replies latest members private

  • onacruse

    ((Linda)) and ((Trev))

    I don't pray, but nevertheless my sincerest and most heartfelt feelings go out to you both.

  • dedpoet

    Thankyou all so much.

    I will print this thread and take it to Linda later today, it's morning here.

    I know that your thoughts and good wishes will help her, as it has me.

    We really love you guys


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Trev and Linda,

    The best place to be - here - in time of need. Love and best wishes for recovery. I will never forget Linda's kind words when I was new and lost. She said that I was among friends. Absolutely.
    Keep yourself well, Trev. You need strength for the both of you.



  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    My best thoughts and warmest wishes are with you {{{{{{{{{{Trev & Linda}}}}}}}}}}}. I feel so fond of you both. We're here for you anytime you need us, whatever you need that we can give, ok? I wish I had more to offer than this. But please take hope--these things are beatable!!!


  • Abandoned

    OH! I love you two. I will be thinking as many good thoughts as I can. I wish you calm and I wish you good news. Mostly, I wish that each day is one filled with warm love.

  • brunnhilde

    You will both be in my thoughts. I hope knowing you have people who care for you all over the world helps ease the worry and fear a little :(

  • Es

    OMG im shocked, I cant even imagine how you both must be feeling. Im so so sorry pls give Linda a big hug for me. If you need anything let me know


  • JWdaughter

    It is good that you are together and can share this with each other-rather than her facing it alone and you from a position that isn't as intimate as husband and wife. I am glad you have each other. There is a saying about joys multiplied and sorrows halved.

    I am so sorry that you have to go through this at all. That better or worse thing sure didn't play around, huh? I am so glad that it is treatable and that you have one another. My thoughts and good hopes are with you both. Trev, take care of yourself as you are caring for your sweet wife. You are going to need to be as fit as you can be, emotionally and physically, to help her best. She will worry if you don't take care, and she doesn't need to be worrying about you now:) She loves you and will do the standard worrying no matter what. Don't give her any extra.

    We've got strong shoulders, so lean on us whenever you need to. Most of us have been through this to a certain extent, and you know we care about you both.


  • Sparkplug

    Trev and Linda,

    I am so sorry this has happened. You are in my thoughts. I do not know really how to comfort someone when I know the pain is something I have no clue about. I do know that it has to be terrible and for that I wish neither of you had to feel it. I am glad you have each other thru this. Much love from me to you.


  • blondie

    Trev, I feel your pain, and Linda, nothing I say can do much. About 4 years ago, my husband was in the hospital and he had a bad prognosis. We both learned to savor each moment. He has improved without any medical explanation. But we arent taking anything for granted.

    Keep doing what you have been, hang onto each other.

    Love, Blondie and Irreverent

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