Is practicing Capoeira wrong/bad/discouraged by Jehovah's Witnesses?

by aikichristian 78 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    Our views shape our company and our actions.

  • jgnat

    Let me get this straight.

    Neither the chickadee nor the crocus are made in God's image, the way man is.

    They are God's creation, are they not? Are you telling me, because they are NOT made in God's image, they are neither evil or good? Following this logic, only man can be corrupted BECAUSE he is made in God's image? Crying shame, and defective besides. Isn't God's creation "GOOD"?

  • rebel8

    "to OUTLAW: You'd need to back your claims legally. All the hits I could find on suggest that this is strictly an apostate claim, with no provable substance."

    Fred, if you really want to, you will keep checking. I just Googled (at the keywords "watchtower rand stock". The very FIRST hit I got gives a brief explanation of this scandal and a link to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission document which proves the wts purchased Rand Stock.

    I am not providing the link to you because I don't spoon feed. You can easily find it yourself, if you are open minded. If not, you won't.

  • Borgia

    O you rightious soul, Freddy. The mirroring of the gleaming wisdom of your teachers is evident.

    Chapeau! Well done, good and faithful slave. Enter into the joy of your lord.



    Rebel8..Thanks for posting that.....Fred E Hathaway..That information has been out there for years..A 160 IQ and you could`nt find it?..LOL!!..You couldn`t find your own ass with both hands and a map!..You really should`nt give any advice you learned from an Organization(WBT$) you know nothing about..Now that you know WBT$ owns 50% of Rand Cam..You can help God make money from War!..Invest in Rand Cam!..God needs the Money!!..LOL!!...OUTLAW


    Akichristian..My appologies,I misunderstood your initial post..And..Confused Capoeria with a Brazillian fighting form..A bad night I`m afraid..LOL!!..I`m around alot of mau-ti,aki-do and hapki-do.....I will gracefully pass on the "Dum-Dum Award" to the next person who has a bad day..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    Satan does what he can to wreak havoc wherever he can. Instead of people defending God and His creation, they turn to feeling they have to defend themselves. It's a snare, to be sure.

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    The relevant post is 2 above this one.

  • jgnat

    Fred, I wasn't talking about Satan, I was talking about God's creation. I'd like you to address my questions directly, because they hinge on a fundamental view of our natural world. Do you see EVERYTHING on this world, including crocuses and chicadees, as being influenced and corrupted by Satan?

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    Satan is the ruler of the air. He and his demons are now confined to the vicinity of the earth, so pollution has become pervasive. Soon, however their influence will be removed and we and our surroundings will become properly healthy, as was the Original Purpose.

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