Did you stop singing the songs BEFORE you stopped going to meetings?

by zack 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJK

    How about, "Here I am send me, send me". Do they sing that one since 1974.

  • DJK

    I just remembered more about the singing. When I was young they always had someone, to play the piano. They switched to standard Lp33 albums with pink matching song books before I left. Have they switched to CDs with new song books since 1974?

  • lilybird

    Yep.. long before I had the courage to talk to my husband about leaving the org, I stopped singing songs at the meetings and stopped closing my eyes and bowing my head for the prayer..It just felt very wrong and superficial to me somehow... The songs are meaningless propaganda for a publishing company. I think they stole some of the music from other worldly songs anyways..

  • avidbiblereader

    Oh, yes, stopped singing long before I quit, I can't really sing to begin with but just didn't have the spirit in me anymore.


  • Nosferatu

    Allright, who molested the bees?

    I lip-sync'ed pretty much the whole time I was in. I'm not a bad singer, but I didn't like singing bad songs.

  • Cellist

    DJK, I don't know if they are now using CDs, but they were using tapes and had a new song when we quit. I thought I read somewhere that they were getting another new song book. But I can't be sure on that.


  • themonster123

    The lyrics to the songs seemed too simple...like "God, you are so gooood." and others...

  • Athanasius

    I was on my way out when the Watchtower issued the Baby-sh_t Brown coloured song book to the JWs. Since it had a bunch of new songs and word and musical changes to the old hymns, it was easy to just pretend like i didn't know the lyrics and not sing along with the congregation.

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