9/11 Pentagon video released, shows explosion and no plane

by What-A-Coincidence 75 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SixofNine

    Quote: "I think it has more to do with incompetence than anything else."

    Well, the administration is certainly largely incompetent, but otoh, they (especially Cheney) have been pretty good at getting what they want and manipulating public opinion.

    It's not just a theory that they (the Bush administration) took their eye off the ball, it's documented fact. The question is why. It could be purely incompetence, but it could also very easily be a mix of incompetence and bad attitude. The "road map" the administration was consulting from day one (years before 9/11) does include a reference to circumstances requiring a "pearl harbor like" attack if the American public would support said roadmap's use of military force against Iraq. If you don't see that as such a bad thing, you're going to act differently than if you do see it as a bad thing. If your theology makes you believe such things are inevitable, you're going to act differently than if you believe such things are ultimately preventable or can be mitigated (even if you only act indifferently).

  • cultswatter

    According to Bob Lear the plane hit the run way at a sharp angle cartwheeled and then hit the pentagon

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Yeah. More information that proves that the Government had no knowledge of the attacks that were forthcoming...

    Explain this: http://www.911omissionreport.com/pentagon_drill.html

    Contingency planning Pentagon MASCAL exercise simulates scenarios in preparing for emergencies

    The Pentagram | November 3, 2000
    by Dennis Ryan

    The fire and smoke from the downed passenger aircraft billows from the Pentagon courtyard. Defense Protective Services Police seal the crash sight. Army medics, nurses and doctors scramble to organize aid. An Arlington Fire Department chief dispatches his equipment to the affected areas.

    Don Abbott, of Command Emergency Response Training, walks over to the Pentagon and extinguishes the flames. The Pentagon was a model and the "plane crash" was a simulated one.

    The Pentagon Mass Casualty Exercise, as the crash was called, was just one of several scenarios that emergency response teams were exposed to Oct. 24-26 in the Office of the Secretaries of Defense conference room.

    On Oct. 24, there was a mock terrorist incident at the Pentagon Metro stop and a construction accident to name just some of the scenarios that were practiced to better prepare local agencies for real incidents.

    To conduct the exercise, emergency personnel hold radios that are used to rush help to the proper places, while toy trucks representing rescue equipment are pushed around the exercise table.

    Cards are then passed out to the various players designating the number of casualties and where they should be sent in a given scenario.

    To conduct the exercise, a medic reports to Army nurse Maj. Lorie Brown a list of 28 casualties so far. Brown then contacts her superior on the radio, Col. James Geiling, a doctor in the command room across the hall.

    Geiling approves Brown's request for helicopters to evacuate the wounded. A policeman in the room recommends not moving bodies and Abbott, playing the role of referee, nods his head in agreement.

    "If you have to move dead bodies to get to live bodies, that's okay," Abbott says as the situation unfolds .

    Geiling remarked on the importance of such exercises.

    "The most important thing is who are the players?" Geiling said. "And what is their modus operandi?"

    Brown thought the exercise was excellent preparation for any potential disasters.

    "This is important so that we're better prepared," Brown said. "This is to work out the bugs. Hopefully it will never happen, but this way we're prepared."

    An Army medic found the practice realistic.

    "You get to see the people that we'll be dealing with and to think about the scenarios and what you would do," Sgt. Kelly Brown said. "It's a real good scenario and one that could happen easily."

    A major player in the exercise was the Arlington Fire Department.

    "Our role is fire and rescue," Battalion Chief R.W. Cornwell said. "We get to see how each other operates and the roles and responsibilities of each. You have to plan for this. Look at all the air traffic around here."

    Each participant was required to fill out an evaluation form after the training exercise.

    "We go over scenarios that are germane to the Pentagon," Jake Burrell of the Pentagon Emergency Management Team said. 'You play the way you practice. We want people to go back to their organizations and look at their S.O.P. (standard operating procedure) and see how they responded to any of the incidents."

    Burrell has coordinated these exercises for four years and he remarked that his team gets better each year.

    Abbott, in his after action critique, reminded the participants that the actual disaster is only one-fifth of the incident and that the whole emergency would run for seven to 20 days and might involve as many as 17 agencies.

    "The emergency to a certain extent is the easiest part," Abbott said. He reminded the group of the personal side of a disaster. "Families wanting to come to the crash sight for closure."

    In this particular crash there would have been 341 victims.

  • TheListener

    A few questions that this thread brought to mind (some mentioned by others already):

    1. If it was a conspiracy why did the conspirators use real planes for the WTC and not for the Pentagon? (brought up by another poster earlier in the thread)

    2. Were there passengers/crew on the WTC planes?

    3. Was the Pennsylvania flight part of the conspiracy?

    4. Were there passengers/crew on the Pennsylvania flight?

    5. Are there absolutely no pictures that show a plane before/during/after hitting the pentagon? or video?

    6. Has anyone from the government, who is in a position to leak information, done so?

    I would really appreciate answers to these questions.

  • JeffT

    Adding to the listener's list, why has no one from the Islamic world ever offered any serious challange to the claim that they did it?

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    This guy must have been coerced to confess:


    Imagine all he'll gain in confessing.

    BA- Oh well, nothing beats a conspiracy theory for some, regardless of the facts.

    PS- This will help: http://zapatopi.net/afdb/

  • TopHat

    Well, I wanta know where all the dead people are that were on AA77 that didn't crash into the Pentagon and somehow does not exist. DUH!! How do idiots come up with this stuff?

  • Cold Creek Swimmer
    Cold Creek Swimmer

    Conspiracy theorists:

    This may help:Judicial Watch September 11 Pentagon Video -- 1 of 2
    Judicial Watch September 11 Pentagon Video -- 2 of 2

    I did not see either of these videos in all of the previous posts. Please forgive me if they are already posted. Both videos show the plane just before impact.


  • Jourles
    Both videos show the plane just before impact.

    If they did, this entire thread would be moot. But no - those videos do not show the plane.

  • Cold Creek Swimmer
    Cold Creek Swimmer

    Look again Jourles. Video 1 shows the plane enter fron the right on the grass at 1:26 into the video. Video 2 shows the plane enter from the right on the grass at :26 into the video. It is clearly seen as it strikes the ground. The next frame shows the explosion.


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