If your mate cheated on you, could you forgive?

by avidbiblereader 106 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Crumpet
    I am the type that can forgive him having a one night stand with someone, but not a love relationship behind my back.

    Oh yes I agree there found my way. I wouldn't forgive a repeated deliberate sexual relationship with someone else, neither would I do it.

  • avidbiblereader

    My ex did cheat on me, I walked in on her and my best friend at the time, hugging and kissing and only later did I find out how much they were meeting and telling each other they loved each other and so forth, yes it really hurt. I forgave her, kept the whole thing quiet from everyone to save her face and then later she left anyway. I would never do that again.

    To me, when the trust is gone, what do you have left?

    As I once read, I am not made you lied to me, I am made that I cannot trust you again.


  • anewme

    I agree, it sort of wrecks the fun.

  • avidbiblereader

    For all those that can forgive for even ONE act of sex, you are a better person than me, that would run through my mind all time, it would never be the same, everytime I would just picture my mate with that other person.



  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Sure, I could, and would, forgive.

    But it would still be over.

    BA- Doesn't tolerate, nor practice, cheating

  • Gill

    I wish I could say that I was big and strong enough and hopefully wise enough to forgive ONE act of infidelity. I reckon, everyone's entitled to a second chance. But an affair is something else altogether....so an affair, I probably would NEVER be able to forgive, and since i have the talent to make someone's life a real misery if I chose to, I think the most forgiving thing to do would be to separate and never see him again!

    I love him far too much to make him hate me!

  • found-my-way

    My ex did cheat on me, I walked in on her and my best friend at the time, hugging and kissing and only later did I find out how much they were meeting and telling each other they loved each other and so forth, yes it really hurt. I forgave her, kept the whole thing quiet from everyone to save her face and then later she left anyway. I would never do that again.

    Sorry that she did this to you, abr,

    I wouldnt of been able to forgive that... did she want forgiveness? Did she say she wanted to be with you, and not your best friend? Just wondering why you felt the need to forgive her....

    I dont blame you for not wanting to do that again...

    I wouldnt either.

  • MsMcDucket

    Yep, I could forgive him after I tried to kill him.

  • avidbiblereader

    Found my way

    wouldnt of been able to forgive that... did she want forgiveness? Did she say she wanted to be with you, and not your best friend? Just wondering why you felt the need to forgive her....

    Yes she wanted forgiveness, I think?? She never came completely clean for years afterward and you know JW plicy after years, of course when it all came out, she was thinking of what I could have done to her name but I swept it all under the rug except for one elder, never confronted her family or anybody about it. I stayed in it for my daughter who was only 7 at the time, my so called best friend had moved away to California with his new wife, which ironically was one of her best friends but I never told her what happened. Of course I was a lot younger and I don't want to say dumber but I was and also naive. The thought of not being with my daughter who had done nothing to deserve her parents not being together was not fair.

    However it was always in the back of my mind, right before she finally left after 20 years of marriage, she started acting as she did when she cheated on me, so I asked her if she was cheating on my AGAIN, she ironically said word for word what she said 15 years earlier and I told her that, she made no reply and was gone in a week, she never admitted to me again bu the elders met privately with her and her elder father the whole way through my divorce but never disclosed anything to me.

    This is why it won't happen again, I never cheated on my ex and it doesn't even come to my mind with my present wife, I just cannot imagine hurting someone like that, I know what it feels like and would not want to do it to others, but I will never go through it again.


  • avidbiblereader
    Yep, I could forgive him after I tried to kill him

    That is funny I don't care who you are, that is funny, Mrs Ducket.


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