Things you find in a womens purse??

by avidbiblereader 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    A purse is symbolic of our vagina. We only put in it what we need/love or feel comfortable with so stop worrying about it and just be glad we have one.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I usually find my husbands stuff!

    He has more junk than I do!


  • mama1119

    Everyone makes fun of me for my huge bags I carry around. but I am a Mom, what can I say....I have something for every occasion...playdough, crayons, dolls, horsies, diapers, wipes, change of clothes for two kids, makeup, lotion, diaper cream, bandaids, chapstick, books, blanket, burp clothes, tissue, mittens, day timer...I could go on.........

  • deeskis

    When I was doing a course last year the group had to do a get to know you exercise. The females had to select something from their bags, and the guys something from their pocket, we had to show and tell how it related to our personalities.

    I had my practice CD from my stage show at the time so I used that, there were some hilarious exhibits though.............spanners, spare shoes, even a paintbrush! It was a fun icebreaker.

  • lisavegas420

    ooohhh...I like a big deep purse. I keep everything in there. I never dump it out except when I'm alone. It's like my magic bag...... I can dig around and feel what I want because I know what I keep with me. My husband has never looked in my purse, even when I's in my purse go get it, he will bring the purse to me.

    As for what I keep in there, it changes over the years. It used to be something moist for cleaning faces or butts, a change of clothes for the I will usually carry a camera and bottle of water.

    These things I have and almost always have carried:(some things I have taken out over the years because it's not worth the hassle of possibly being questioned, like a pocket knife.....but pretty consistantly I carry, wallet, with pictures, and other important stuff. Makeup bag with the essentials, check book, pen, small notebook, a healing stone, gum, lotion, chapstick, sunglasses, lighter.


  • anewme

    Well at my age one hopes to have mastered the purse struggles.
    I think I have.

    I no longer carry huge bags (I used to until store clerks began to ask me to leave it behind the counter as I shopped!) Also they get extremely heavy!!!!

    I no longer bother to coordinate my purse with shoes and outfit. Only one purse now at all times.

    A small purse for me with a pocket holder for everything! A small zippered pouch on the outside for keys,
    an area for brush, sunglasses and wallet, a colorful plastic pouch for lipstick, lotion and hand sanitizer, and lastly my 2007 addition........a separate gold zippered pouch for receipts!!!!
    I bought this little purse for myself for Christmas (thats how christmas works right?) and since then I have been organized! No longer am I fumbling for keys, coins, or glasses! And I never lose receipts anymore!!!!

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    a couple of lipsticks, wallet, cellphone, receipts, hand cream, powder, mascara, maybe a pair of ear rings, perfume, did I mention receipts?

  • SirNose586
    When I was doing a course last year the group had to do a get to know you exercise. The females had to select something from their bags, and the guys something from their pocket, we had to show and tell how it related to our personalities.

    I bet you anything, the guys were only pulling out one of four things: keys, a cellphone, loose change, or a receipt.

    It's a nice idea, but unfortunately it can only go so far with the guys.

  • bikerchic

    Hey I am woman and my purse as is my house is organized!

    I like compartments in a purse and I tend to go for the smaller purses. I always have pretty much the same things in it regardless of size; wallet, pen, note pad which is in the section with cupons so I can always find my pen. Cosmetics, lip gloss, lip balm, mirror, lip liner, small compact don't need no stinking comb or brush cuz I just fluff my hair. A section for my glasses and a special place I put my keys so I can find them quickly. Keeping it simple works best for me.

  • free2think
    in mine you never find any cash!!!

    Same here.

    That's what the guys wallet is for anyway.

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