NEW LIGHT ! Wedding Rings!!!!!!!!!

by bigmouth 20 Replies latest social humour

  • bigmouth

    Does this sound right to you????!!!!!


    2 March, 2007

    How Do You View The Wedding Ring?

    Jehovah's modern Witnesses live in exciting times do we not?! We are deep within 'The Last Days' of this wicked system and have been privileged to witness the fulfillment of Jesus words regarding the composite sign. (Matthew 24:3-14, Mark 13:4-13, Luke 21:7-19 )

    For more than a century Jehovah has entrusted his slave class to disseminate and dispense spiritual food to his earthly servants. However, from time to time clarification or readjustment needs to be made as to our understanding of Gods will. ( Matthew 24:45-47 )

    For example,at one time, Gods organization would join with the world in celebrating Christmas until, on December 12, 1928, The Golden Age thoroughly exposed its God-dishonoring roots. For many years the Bible Students wore a cross and a crown as a badge of identification but in 1928 it was emphasized that not a decorative symbol but ones activity as a witness showed he was Christian. In 1936 it was pointed out that the evidence indicates that Christ died on a stake, not a two-beamed cross. Other matters that have been clarified over the years have included Christian neutrality, the celebration of birthdays and abstaining from the misuse of blood.

    Since then,the pagan roots of many of these customs have become general public knowledge, but few people make changes in their way of life as a result. On the other hand, Jehovah's Witnesses are willing to make needed changes in order to be more acceptable as servants of Jehovah.When made aware of the instruments and appendages of pagan customs, Jehovah's Witnesses promptly and permanently stop having any part of these customs.

    In light of the aforementioned, some have asked, 'What of the use of the wedding ring?' Does the history of the wedding ring give us a cause to adjust our point of view? What is its meaning? Is it tied to a superstition such as good-luck or as a fertility wish? Is it connected with false religion? Could it stumble others? If doubts exist on any of these points, it would be better to avoid that tradition would it not?

    Interestingly, the Bible does not indicate that rings were used by true worshipers as a symbol of betrothal or marriage. It does, however, mention the proper use of signet rings. It was worn on the right hand and was used to seal various contracts. It was a symbol of authority, dignity and social status. - Compare Genesis 38:17-19, Jeremiah 22:24, James 2:2. Pharaoh gave his signet ring to Joseph as a symbol of authority. ( Genesis 41:42) The prodigal son received a ring from his father as a symbol of dignity.( Luke 15:22) So where did the custom of exchanging wedding rings come from?

    The oldest recorded exchange of wedding rings comes from ancient Egypt about 4800 years ago.The ring is of course a circle and this was the symbol of eternity for the Egyptians as well as many other ancient cultures. It had no beginning and no end, like time, and the hole in the center was the symbol of the gateway or door leading to events known and unknown. Later the custom was taken up by the Greeks when they conquered Egypt under the generalship of Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.E. ,and from them to the Romans who continued the belief that the ring should be placed on the third finger of the left hand because this was connected to the ' vena amoris ', which is Latin for ' the vein of love '.

    Appleton's Journal of Popular Literature, Science and Art of July 1869 provides an interesting insight; ”...the ring originally worn among the Anglo-Normans on the right hand of the bride was changed to the left, or inferior hand, in token of subjection. The particular finger is also said to be favored from an old custom of placing the ring on the first finger in the name of the Father, on the second in the name of the Son, and on the third in the name of the Holy Ghost. “

    There is , however, another theory behind the ring's shape. Many religions consider marriage as “half of the religion.” Some historians say that the wedding ring represents two halves coming together to form a united whole. By completing the circle, ancient worshipers completed their religion. Superstitious ideas formed around this circular shape. At a time when mortality rates were high and life spans short it was believed that a persons spirit could just flow out of the body, ending his life. Wrapping twigs and threads around a wifes extremities was thought to prolong her life.

    So what of the Biblical command for a husband to assign honor to his wife? Would the wedding ring symbolize this? Well, sadly, this romantic notion is not confirmed as evidenced by the attitude of the ancient Egyptians. Though they would make rings of twisted reeds and apply them to the fingers of their wives as a symbol of undying love it didn't represent marital fidelity as many of them were polygamous. The Romans were little better. Wives were considered a possession and the ring on the fourth finger was a sign of ownership. Never would we want to view our wives, our ' fellow workers', as mere possessions! -compare Ephesians 5:28-30, 1 Peter 3:7.

    In view of the foregoing history of the wedding ring it is apparent that its origin and use is to be found in pagan superstition and idolatrous practices.( 1 Corinthians 10:14 )

    The pagan meaning of the ring raises questions about the legitimacy of its adoption by true Christians to represent marital commitment. In the Bible the value of symbols is determined by their origin and meaning. The Sabbath, the Passover lamb and blood, the Lords evening meal and baptism are all valuable symbols established by Jehovah to help us understand and visualize spiritual realities. Their value comes from divine origin. ( Exodus 31:13, Exodus 12:13, 1 Corinthians 11:20, Matthew 28:19,20 ) By contrast, the meaning of the wedding ring as a symbol of marital commitment finds its origin not in scripture, but in pagan mythology and superstitions. To give a pagan symbol a sacred Christian meaning would be grossly disrespectful of the true God.

    With a clear understanding of how the Christian use of the wedding ring has introduced a leavening effect upon God's Organization, the Faithful and Discreet Slave has felt it necessary for those who are fellow servants of Jehovah to consider carefully from the foregoing whether he or she could, in good conscience, continue to wear a wedding ring. - compare Galatians 5:9.

    After prayerful consideration we believe this adjustment will have the blessing of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah as we look forward to eternal life in a purified new earth free from the vestiges of this 'old system'! ( Revelation 21:4 )

    Your Brothers,

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York.

    ( Elders should allow congregation members a short 'amnesty' as this new understanding is embraced. Six months should be sufficient before priviliges of service are removed from any not submitting to theocratic order.)

  • jeanniebeanz

    *dies laughing*

    Too bad there is not a 'snopes' for JW lore. It can't be true. I cannot see any witness woman giving up her wedding ring...


  • kid-A


    But if they really were going to do this, that is exactly how the letter would sound!

  • nsrn

    Blonde moment me. So this is not true, just a tongue-in-cheek imitation of such an announcement? Sorry, I already had my sleeping pill tonight, I need this dummied down for me.

  • V

    Excellent read! This would be an effective piece to show JWs how two-sided they are on pagan practices.

    However "whilst" would never be used by the American-based Society.

    Whilst they would make rings of twisted reeds...

    Try "Though they would make rings of twisted reeds..." for trully US-centric phrasing.

  • wozadummy

    Hi Bigmouth

    Is this a genuine letter?

    If it is ,it's what I was expecting for many years ,and my wife and I were put thru alot of criticism for rejecting certain marraige customs when we were married ,for we said that if we were to go to extremes in practising our faith in other ways (like not taking blood etc), we should not do what scholars had pointed to as pagan like wedding customs.

    Those bastards have known all along that the scholars had pointed these things out and yet the Jw women would always go to great lengths to adopt the obviously pagan customs. It's like the GB gave the witnesses the "concession" of pagan wedding things to placate the women because they were denied all other celebrations and the fun they bring.

    I'm not pointing to women here to critisize, it's just that men tend not to get so emotionally caught up with celebration things, it's always seemed a womans domain ,especially amongst witnesses ,and the GB knows it.

    So now they change it to a disfellowshipping offence (6 months to give up rings) - they really are desperate to get the people to think that by giving up something else for pure worship ,the persecution will be worth it for Jah will be happy.! BUT FOR CHRISTS SAKE WHAT HAVE THEY BEEN DOING FOR 130 YEARS KNOWING HOW BAD RINGS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE ?

    This is bullshit ,so why don't they condemn wedding cakes, the waltz, the white gowns(vestal virgins my arse,I reckon most "sisters" have bonked their brains out before getting married in a holy Kingdom Hall) etc?

    Phew that felt good

  • bigmouth

    You're right Wozza. The letter seems entirely plausible and uses the same reasoning that would prevent a Witness from celebrating birthdays or toasting!--see WT Feb. 15th, 2007 for a real self-indictment.


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Wait!!! I think the WTS must have missed an obvious paragraph.... ie:

    "So brothers, in keeping with our main goal of keeping Jehovah's true organization clean, all mature, loyal servants of the one true God should want to do their utmost to demonstrate to Satan's wicked world, their desire to cast away all wickedness. Therefore, we amonish all you loyal brothers to rid themselves of such a despicable tradition, by sending your unclean possessions of wedding rings to your nearest branch office, where those unclean vessels will be disposed of to the betterment of God's visable organization on earth. Your loyal donations will most certainly be used for the spreading of God's Word to all the inhabited earth."


    Had Enough

  • LtCmd.Lore

    I reccomend we all print this out and mail it to some of our nearby congregations... that would be halarious if they read it at the next service meeting... then have to explain that it was fake whenever they find out.

  • Hortensia

    composite sign - is that new JW jargon? I haven't heard that one but have been out for over 20 years

    rings are round because that's what will fit around a finger and stay there comfortably. That sort of Jesuitical nitpicking is awesome, isn't it? Can't believe anyone would waste time trying to figure out if rings are pagan because they are round!

    I hope it's a real letter - seems so genuine. They might say "whilst" because they are copying out of some other source, or they still have some Victorians writing their text.

    I wonder why they are picking on rings? Someone's obsession? have they put that amount of thought into all the other wedding traditions the JWs copy from "worldly" sources?

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