New Ex-JW's: Smoking isn't worth it!

by AlmostAtheist 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    It seems that many JW's take up smoking as soon as they leave the Watchtower. The reason is obvious -- they weren't allowed to! Lighting up is like giving the finger to the Watchtower. I was right there, and it felt good.

    Your first smoke is disappointing. There's no serious rush. You think, "Why is everyone in such a hurry to do this?" But you bought a whole pack, so you smoke another one. And another. (There's a reason they're sold in packs of 20!)

    Pretty soon, you find that they really DO feel good. (You probably just weren't inhaling at first!) It's not on the level of a nice alcohol buzz, but it's pleasant. So you buy another pack.

    After awhile, you find that you aren't smoking because it feels good to do it, but rather because it feels bad NOT to do it. You start to feel irritable, jittery, light-headed. You know what's wrong, you nee-- then you catch yourself as you admit that you NEED a smoke. Oops -- you're hooked!

    I'm hooked. I've tried to quit in the past and I've failed exactly that many times. I'll quit eventually, but when? Never "today", it seems.

    So, you're free now. No "mother organization" ready to crack a judicial ruler across your knuckles. No judicial committees to answer to. It's just you, and you can do whatever you want. Smoke now, and join the ranks of those of us that wish we hadn't.

    It just ain't worth it. Rebel some other way: Hire a hooker. Buy a lottery ticket. Go to church. Take the hooker to church, and scratch the lottery ticket with the corner of a Reasoning book. But I promise you you'll regret it if you take up smoking.

    This has been a public service announcement brought to you the letters G and W, and the number 6.

    Dave of the "Quitting's easy! I've done it lots of times!" class

  • PaulJ

    Maybe I'm a total freak, but then I've never smoked. Never felt the urge.... Are you saying I shouldnt bother?

  • IP_SEC

    Good advice Dave

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>Are you saying I shouldnt bother?

    Yeah, give it a miss. :-)


  • prophecor

    Some sins are better left undone. Been there Brother Dave. I had to go on the patch. It works remarkably well, beleive it or not. But the years that I've indulged are creeping up on me. I've been free for about a year now with a momentary relapse of reason. Work it till it works itself out of you. Wish you well Brother Dave.

  • grey matters
    grey matters

    Yeah, I tried it once. In high school. But I never got beyond the first one. And you're right, my reaction was "Huh. That didn't do anything. What is the big deal about this?" I guess I'm glad I didn't keep trying.

  • mama1119

    I too lit up for rebellious reasons, but then got prego shortly thereafter, so it never really took. Although, I did like it, but I am glad I didn't stick with it.


    I`m totally alergic to ciggarete smoke..But I can and do smoke a cigar when the occasion arises..Go figure.???...OUTLAW

  • lost_light06

    Totally agree AlmostAtheist. I started smoking as soon as I realized it wasn't the truth. I had smoked in High School then gave it up to get baptized. It was my way of giving the one finger salute to the WT. Now I'm hooked (again) and wish I hadn't started. It just isn't worth it. Although I wouldn't advise getting a hooker (STD's aren't any better than cigs), there are much better ways to give those WT jerks an F-U than killing yourself with carcinogens. I've managed to cut back a lot, even quiting for days.... oh yes DAYS at a time. I must admit though I still like smoking socially....... it makes me look sooooo cool!


  • Xena

    ~holds hand up~ yep I tried it too. Fortunately I didn't like it...and i'm it didn't take.

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