Am going to be reinstated

by Caine 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjwms

    ? HUH...


  • Anti-Christ

    what's up? I'm new here I love the topic. I'm not DF't but I am inactive(2 years now) raised in the JW. I'm 30 now and I feel free.I don't believe in the bible to many contradiction. You could see the contradictions by reading it with your religious glasses off and by doing a litle historical research.Good luck Caine. Steven Hassan's book on cults is a good read.

  • Mum

    Hi, Caine. Thank you for sharing your perspective. It takes a lot of courage to say what you did on this forum. None of us can really put ourselves in your place and fully understand what you're going through. Right now, whether we understand or not, you must do what you think is best for you.

    I don't know if you have a family and children and a job that you need. However, if you could remove yourself physically from all of the pressure you must be under (i.e., move to another city far away from where you are), I believe you would be able to learn to think more clearly, to think for yourself.

    Personally, I have been a JW; but, since leaving and learning a lot, I believe I have learned to live "Bible principles" (an ethical life, putting first what is right rather than trying to please figures of arbitrary authority) much better than I ever did before. It is hard work. It requires making a lot of mistakes and finding your own path. But it is priceless to have the peace and contentment and fulfillment that result.

    As for the "works" argument, my understanding now is that we can judge a person by behavior much better than his or her words, promises and professed beliefs. Ultimately, it is what we do that shows who we are, not how much we talk about "love." When I say "what we do," I am not referring to "good works" in the sense that religion often speaks about, but how we handle everyday situations and having the courage to do and say what is in the best interest of the greater number or the individual. Again, this is not easy, but very much worth it.

    As for depression, I don't think it was ever cured by trying to please others, even if what you do to please others could be described as good.

    Peace to you and yours,


  • jam

    The movie matrix come to mine . The only problem caine, in the movie the person who turn his friends in just to go back to old life in the matrix would not remerber the truth. In your case if you have learn the truth about truth, maybe you have not done the research.But if you have like most of us , then it will be very hard to sit there in those meetings taking in lies and then try teaching them. What kind of person would knowingly preach lies.Can you stomach that?? You stated , they might treat me like dog dung. How old are you? What kind of person would go thru that. Think about it, you crawling back to serve a bunch of nutty power hungry men. You are knowingly returning to the Matrix, sorry the truth.

  • Caine
    I don't understand why someone would want to go back once they realize it isn't the truth just so their friends and family will acknowledge them

    My friends acknowledge me now, and know why im coming back. And the brothers probobly know the same thing.

  • Caine

    and thats whats its all about for me

  • Caine
    On the other hand, if it really is Jehovah you're there for, then the appreciation for His ways and principles will allow you to bring out the best in yourself and others around. The key is personal study, your relationship with Jehovah. Every day. If you can keep to that, you'll still get the opposition, but you'll have Jehovah on your side. And nothing can beat that. It's a matter of focusing on Jehovah's Kingdom and His will; the rest pales incomparison.

    I couldnt have said it better. This is how i feel 100%.

  • truthsearcher

    Caine: I am doing all of the above, but I am not a member of the WT cult. You can serve Jehovah and his kingdom too without being locked in a man-made religion that perverts the truth. Please think about this carefully. One day you will stand before the Judge and you will need to answer for your decisions--Jehovah told his people NOT to settle for their corrupt organization in the Hebrew Scriptures. Why should it be any different now?

  • Caine

    Very good point you have made. But they have already agreed to reinstate me, so there is no way im going to call them up and say. Hey guys, forget the reinstatement. Ill go back and then make more sound choices. Being jw is still my foundation. Call it brainwashed but at least being reinstated right now will make me fell a bit more stable. Once im back i can decide what to do...but for right now. This is what i want and this is what i need. What the future holds i do not know.

  • hambeak

    Get away Get away and start a new life if you don't you will just suffer and be miserable.

    This religion will kill you emotionally and spiritually take the good and go with it and leave the baggage behind

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