Yep I am new.

by Wafe 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AlmostAtheist

    Welcome Wafe!


  • RAF

    ... ...

  • free2think

    Welcome Wafe.

  • Crumpet

    Welcome to the board - its really interesting how the translation slants towards what they would have us believe. It doesnt bore me at all - on the contrary any titbits you want to share that you found would be more than helpful and interesting.

    Rather than email - I'll just post and speak for quite a few others and say yes we would very much like to hear more. Those that dont are free not to read!

  • IsaacJS2

    Hi Wafe. I'm new as well, only been here like a 2 or 3 weeks.

    I'm with Crumpet on the Bible translation info. I have looked into some of the problems with Bible translation, but not with any special attention toward the NWT. I have noticed a couple of things that were interesting, such as words that most Bibles seem to translate one way that the NWT almost always translates another. They showed bias, but were also fairly minor in and of themselves. I mostly came across them when researching WT articles on certain issues I was refuting. I'm sure there are plenty of other nerds like me who'd like to hear what your research has uncovered. If you didn't want to go into that, maybe you could tell us your sources so we could check them for ourselves.

    Anyone who feels bored by it won't follow the thread. That's probably the worst that could happen. You might want to start a new thread specifically for that purpose and maybe others will contribute to it if they know of issues you didn't mention. Then we can all benefit from it.


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    The question is, did they sue that dumbass who took their child from their arms?

    Welcome Wafe.


  • Wafe

    Okay but don't say I didnt warn you ;)

    Well I'll give you an example which would be John 1:1 and Ex 7:1

    The greek in John 1:1 is ?? ???? ?? ? ?????, ?a? ? ????? ?? p??? t?? ?e??, ?a? ?e?? ?? ? ?????. in english this is, IN BEGINNING was the word and the word was toward the god and god was the word. The problem has aways been if the 'a' needs to be added or not to the greek translation. As most of you know the NWT adds the a after giving it the following In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.

    Well the fact is the a should be there but they are not consistant in doing so for if I add the 'a' where it truly belongs it would be the following

    In a begining was the word and the word was toward the god and a god was the word.

    Now Ex 7:1 in the NWT is translated thus.

    Consequently Jehovah said to Moses: "See, I have made you God to Phar´aoh, and Aaron your own brother will become your prophet

    Here is the greek according to the septuigent

    ?a? e?pe? ?????? p??? ???s?? ????? ?d?? d?d??? se ?e?? Fa?a?, ?a? ?a??? ? ?de?f?? s?? ?sta? s?? p??f?t??

    and to speak towards mousen (Moses) look to appoint you god to Pharao (Pharoah) and Aaron the brother of you exists you prophetes (Prophet) The thing is that most translations translate this with an a or an 'an' before theos (god) so no english version (including the NWT) puts the 'a's where they belong in all places.

  • GoingGoingGone



  • Wafe

    DOH it didnt give you the greek letters lol

    John 1:1 Hen arche ho logos kai ho logos hen pros ton theon kai theos hen ho logos.

    Ex 7:1 kai eipen kyrois pros Mousen legon idou dedoka se theon phrao kai Aaron alelphos sou estai sou prophetes

  • Cellist

    Welcome to the board, Wafe.


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