Do you feel as if you have to justify why you aren't JW anymore?

by JH 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • avidbiblereader

    I think you would have to spend more time justifying why you are one than not one!


  • PEC

    Hell, NO! Once one learns to think, there is no need.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hardly any jws speak to me anyway, and the ones who do would leave if they were in my position - no family in the org. As for my work colleagues, I told them when I left I'd adjusted my thinking about jwism.

    After 25 years as a jw, I've had plenty of practice at adjusting my thinking anyway.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I only find myself trying to justify myself when I a wrong but don't want to admit it. There is nothing wrong with not being a JW so there is nothing to justify. It would be like trying to justify yourself for not stealing from a department store. It is more likely for someone to who steals to try to justify their behavior than someone who doesn't steal.

  • snickers

    I have, unfortunately, found myself justifying our status to my kids... and that's hard. Without totally bashing the JW teachings (which I wouldn't do out of respect for my family who are all jws AND because we're trying to teach our kids to be open-minded and accepting of everyone) - it has been necessary to explain to the kids why we're choosing a different way to live. My girls don't understand all of the false teachings and double-standards, they never learned them in the first place! (thank god!) But they do see that our lives are different from their cousin's and Grandparent's - and I find my explanations differ with each telling, depending when they're asking about it. In my own head, though, there's no justifying necessary - we're finally free!!

  • free2beme

    Some people who knew me as a Witness, wanted me to account for my exit, when they saw me be so defensive of it for so long. It does pay to note that it is not just active Witnesses who see out exit with some negative light. Some none Witnesses felt I was being a bit of a flip flopper and hypocrtical when I was suddenly doing things I condemned for so long.

  • jaguarbass

    I've been out of the organization 24 years. After all this time, there is no one left to justify anything to. But probably for the 1st 10 years I had a chip on my shoulders.

  • AuldSoul

    Nope. I no longer feel the need to justify my choice. I feel compelled, instead, to invite JWs who remain to justify their choice. To date, not a single one has ever done so apart from citing a desire to remain with family/on speaking terms with friends. They cannot justify the choice on Scriptural grounds.

    They stay for fear of leaving.


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