My Favorite WT Flip Flops

by ithinkisee 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ithinkisee

    If a woman does not scream when she is raped, is this an act of fornication and therefore a sin?

    FORNICATIONWT 1/15/64 p.63;
    WT 1/15/64 p.64;
    WT 6/1/68 p.347

    NOT FORNICATION (implied)1969, 1971 Aid to Bible Understanding, p. 1371+, 601

    FORNICATION Awake! 3/8/74 p.14

    NOT FORNICATION (implied) Awake! 7/8/80 p.5,6

    FORNICATIONWT 10/15/80 p.7

    NOT FORNICATIONWT 3/15/83 p.30

    FORNICATIONAwake! 2/22/84 p.2
    Awake! 2/22/84 p.25

    NOT FORNICATIONAwake! 6/8/84 p.28

    FORNICATIONAwake! 5/22/86 p.23

    NOT FORNICATION (?) (not sure really … a vague response) Awake! 9/22/86 p.28

    NOT FORNICATIONAwake! 3/8/93 p.5
    Are the increases in numbers of Jehovah’s Witnesses evidence that they have God’s divine favor and blessing?

    NO -
    Examining the Scriptures Daily, May 19th, 2002
    Of course, the number of those associated with Jehovah's Witnesses is not a criterion for determining if they enjoy divine favor.
    YES -
    Watchtower July 1, 2002, p.13, paragraph 17-19Now is the time for Jehovah to express mercy to his anointed servants and their other sheep companions. The evidence that this is so is the extraordinary increase with which he has blessed them…
    18. Each year, hundreds of thousands of additional "foreigners" associate with Jehovah's organisation, and the way will remain open for many more to follow them. Jehovah says to Zion: "Your gates will actually be kept open constantly; they will not be closed even by day or by night, in order to bring to you the resources of the nations, and their kings will be taking the lead" (Isaiah 60:11) Some opposers try to close those 'gates,' but we know that they cannot succeed. Jehovah himself has said that one way or another, the gates will stay open. The increase will continue.
    19. There are still other ways that Jehovah has blessed his people, making them beautiful in these last days.

    Who Is Speaking At Rev 22:12,13?
    “Look! I am coming quickly, and the reward I give is with me, to render to each one as his work is. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Watchtower 1955 July 1 p.387 It’s Jesus.

    Watchtower 1967 November 15 p.680 It’s Jehovah

    Awake! 1978 August 22 p.28 It’s Jehovah

    Watchtower 1978 October 1 p.15 It’s Jesus.

    Watchtower 1988 June 15 p.20 It’s Jehovah

    Revelation Climax (1988) (switchup in the same book) First, it’s Jehovah (p.316)
    Then it’s Jesus. (p.319)

    Watchtower 1999 Dec 1 p.19 (switchup in the same article) First it’s Jesus. (paragraph 18)
    Then it’s Jehovah (paragrah 19)

    Who are the superior authorites spoken of at Romans 13:1?

    1886 - Earthly governments(Divine Plan of the Ages, 1886, p.266)
    1889 - Earthly governments(Time Is At Hand, 1889, p.81) 1932-1963: God and Christ(Vindication, Vol. 3, 1932, p.13 and The Truth Shall Make You Free, 1943, p.312)
    1952 - God and Christ(Let God Be True, 1952, p.248)
    1959 - God and Christ(Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, p.91)
    1963 - Earthly political governments(WT 1/1/63 p.31) 1975 - Earthly political governments(1975 Yearbook, p.238)
    1980 - Earthly political governments (WT 5/15/80 p.4)
    Society’s View of Organ Transplants
    Conscience matter
    The Watchtower 08/01/1961 p. 480
    The question of placing one's body or parts of one's body at the disposal of men of science or doctors at one's death for purposes of scientific experimentation or replacement in others is frowned upon by certain religious bodies. However, it does not seem that any Scriptural principle or law is involved. It therefore is something that each individual must decide for himself.

    Prohibited. It is cannibalism. Watchtower, 11/15/1967, pp.702-4 Organ transplants are cannibalism, hence inappropriate for Christians.

    Prohibited. It is cannibalism. Awake!, 6/19/1968, p.21 " Jehovah's Witnesses consider all organ transplants to be cannibalism, hence unacceptable".

    Notice: Blood is prohibited in the quote above because blood is an organ and organ transplants are cannibalism. Now read the next quote below:Prohibited. It is cannibalism.
    Jehovah's Witnesses and the Question of Blood, p.41 (1977)
    Consequently, whether having religious objections to blood transfusions or not, many a person might decline blood simply because it is essentially an organ transplant that at best is only partially compatible with his own blood.–

    Allowed.Watchtower, 3/15/1980, p.31 " Organ transplants are not necessarily cannibalistic".

    Woman dies from refusing bone marrow transplant in 1978 – only two years before Society’s reversal on organ transplants:
    Copyright 1978 NEW YORK TIMES November 26, 1978, Sunday
    SECTION: Page 47, Column 4 LENGTH: 74 words
    Thirteen-year-old Lori Mason of Natick (Mass) dies on same day special court session was scheduled to ensure that her rights were being fully presented after Boston judge upheld her decision to decline bone marrow transplant from her sister. Had refused transplant on religious grounds as member of Jehovah's Witnesses and feared possibilty of endangering her sister's health. Had suffered from disease called Fanconi's aplastic anemia (S).

    Reasoning From The Scriptures – False Prophets p136 par4 Matters on which corrections of viewpoint have been needed have been relatively minor when compared with the vital Bible truths that they have discerned and publicized.

    (needless death is relatively minor??)
  • Leolaia
    Who are the superior authorites spoken of at Romans 13:1?

    1886 - Earthly governments(Divine Plan of the Ages, 1886, p.266)
    1889 - Earthly governments(Time Is At Hand, 1889, p.81)1932-1963: God and Christ(Vindication, Vol. 3, 1932, p.13 and The Truth Shall Make You Free, 1943, p.312)
    1952 - God and Christ(Let God Be True, 1952, p.248)
    1959 - God and Christ(Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, p.91)
    1963 - Earthly political governments(WT 1/1/63 p.31)1975 - Earthly political governments(1975 Yearbook, p.238)
    1980 - Earthly political governments (WT 5/15/80 p.4)

    Here is what Floyd Kite said about this flip flop from the podium in a special talk:

    How about in 1961, when we had [a readjustment] on Romans 13, remember that one? Anyone in the truth in 1961? Okay, remember that? There you go. Romans 13, we said that the “higher powers” were always Jehovah and Jesus Christ, well that’s true, they are! There’s no power higher than Jehovah and Jesus Christ. But Romans 13 isn’t referring to Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, it’s talking about the civil authorities! The secular governments and the Christians relative subjection to them. Well, that was discussed verse by verse. Ah, that was beautiful. But did you know that Brother Russell had it that way, way back in the 1870s? And then with Brother Rutherford it got changed to Jehovah God and Jesus Christ? And then in 1961 we changed it back to the way Brother Russell had it to begin with? If I talk to Russell, [he’d say], “What’s the matter with this organization?! Way back in the 1870s we had it right! Then we changed it and now we got back to it again!” It’s a big test, it’s a big test.

  • GoingGoingGone

    Thanks for this, ithinkisee. I'm adding it to my mountian of ammuntition, to use with my husband if he ever gives me the chance....


  • Fatfreek

    Excellent, IthinkIsee.

    That first one is comprised of 10 reversals. They're probably blaming poor light from the Holy Spirit on that one. On second thought, we're so handy, blame us.

    I'm bookmarking this thread. Thanks for sharing.


  • anakolouthos

    Great work, ithinkisee. Thanks for taking the time to get this together.

    After learning about the UN scandal & still trying to rationalize it away like a good little dub, reading about the ridiculous early doctrines & flip-flops is what sealed the deal for me. Off came the blinders!

    How could anyone research the WTS's history & still think they have been led by God? God must've been really confused...

  • Dismembered

    Great Thread ithinkisee,

    I like the color coding as well as all the info. It looks good and it's makes it easier to read! Nice job.


  • needproof

    Great post, thanks!!

  • AuldSoul

    Thanks, ITIS ... now to add to favorites ...

  • greendawn

    Will the Sodom people that got burnt be resurrected? They flip flopped several times on this. It is an even stranger flip flop because the gospel clearly states that they will be resurrected something the dubs can't easily stomach because their position is that those suffering divine judgement will never be resurrected. It is obviously an erroneous concept but they need it to make armageddon even more frightening if one dies in it and then gets resurrected later it's not that bad, after all everyone dies one day, but an everlasting death is almost as bad as the teaching of hell. It would take the sting out of armageddon the great bogeyman of the R&F dubs and it would be harder to get them in line, obedient to the FDS. I would say: political games (how to control the ignorant masses) and a totally artificial set up.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Thanks for that ITIS, the wts is famous for its' doctrinal flip flops isn't it? Here's one of my favourites

    Who is The 'Lord' as mentioned in Romans 10:12-16

    • 1903 - 'Lord' refers to Jesus.
    • 1940 - 'Lord' refers to Jehovah.
    • 1978 - 'Lord' refers to Jesus.
    • 1980 - 'Lord' refers to Jehovah.

    You would think an organisation enjoying jah's favour would get that right the first time, wouldn't you?

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