POLL: Occupations

by Angst 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    Due mostly to JW discouragement I quit school at 18 and didn't go to university. Since I wanted excitement I went into accountancy. It paid pretty well, and prevented me pioneering, much to the disapproval of the elders.

    Two years ago I quit employment and started on my own. Now have two full time employees.


  • AGuest

    Peace to you all...

    While in the 'borg, a Housing Administrator/Supervisor for low-income (Section 8, etc.) housing; now, Director of Operations for a non-profit that provides drug/alcohol/abstinence/pregnancy/STD/teen parenting counseling/education for youth age 12-25.

    Hey, my Lord was a carpenter, Matthew a tax collector, Peter and others fishermen, Paul a lawyer/tent maker, Luke a physician...

    Nothin' wrong with having a j-o-b. Simply a means to an end, is all. Keeps a gurl like me from goin'... uh, 'goofy'...

    A slave of Christ,


  • ballistic

    I did the window cleaning rounds running my own business as a JW. I don't think this has anything to do with making time for preaching (although I did pioneer on and off), I think it was to do with sticking with what you know, and the encouragement to do it from other bros.
    I only went to college and university after leaving the JWs and now work for an IT department in an American bank based in England.

  • Thirdson

    I attended college, worked as a production engineer in an aircraft components factory and later went into technical services/service management for a machine tool company. In 1991 while a newly appointed elder I quit my job, took a big cut in salary and retrained as a programmer with a s/w company. I quit being an elder and shortly afterwards accepted a job transfer to a regional office in the US. I worked as a analyst/programmer/consultant for the company before joining a former client a year ago. I'm now a project leader in the MIS department.

    I ignored most of the stuff from the WTS on education and work. I did spend most of that time feeling guilty and tried to appease the guilt by aux pioneering once a year. Life is so much better now.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • lisaBObeesa

    As a teen JW, I worked in my mother's house cleaning business and made very good money. Did not enjoy the work. Many, many of the 'friends' at our hall were in cleaning and janitorial.

    My parents told me college was a stupid waste of time and money and not needed, and unfortunatly I believed it. They also told me the JW were God's one true Org, and I DIDN'T believe it. Oh well, one out of two.....

    I moved out as soon as I turned 18 to get away from the JWs, and took a job working at a supermarket, because it was the best job I could get. I worked there for 13 awful years.

    Now I am back to school. Yeah! Also, I now work as an instructional aide in a continuation high school, helping little gang members learn math. Love my job!

  • waiting

    As a lot of young girls, started out typing after hs. Went to bookeeping, etc. For the last two decades, work with autos doing graphics, window tinting along with the accounting for our business.

    My husband & I own our store & employee two jw's. Nice guys really. We also sell & install those insane subwoofers, etc. which "thump." Some of them are pretty cool, if used with some discretion. Excellent quality in some of the equipment - makes "Queen" even sound better.


  • zev

    interesting topic....

    i'm a parts manager in a truck dealer. we sell stuff
    trucks, plows, truck bodies, catapiller engines, alison transmisions,
    {i wont name the line of trucks, that would give me away} all big stuff, some smaller trucks....s.u.v.'s,...

    but no stinking cars!

    zev's glad he made the transition to trucks....cars...are for the birds
    (in my line of work...anyway}

    g'day y'all

    -August 8th, 2001 - The day the lambs ROARED

  • jolly_green_giant

    I worked in janitorial for awhile. A job in which i got through a witness. I knew/know many witnesses in janitorial.

  • Undecided

    Pioneered after graduation until my father died, went to work to support my mother and I as an order filler in a textile mill. Became the assistant forman after a year. Then transferred to the office in data processing before computers. There were accounting machines which used punched cards. I wired the control boards and processed the data until they installed computers. All IBM equipment. I became a mainframe operator for 30 years untill I retired in 94. My brother and I worked in the same department, he was a programmer, the first one in our county. We retired the same day.

    Ken P.

  • larc

    In high school, I worked as dish washer at a restaurant, and got "promoted" to bus boy. After high school, I worked for a year as a lab technician in a ceramics factory. During that year, I saved some money, and convinced my JW mother that it would be all right if I went to college. I paid for my tuition and books. The only break my parents gave me was not charging me room and board, as they had done the first year out of high school. I got through two years of college, got doubts and pioneered for little over a year, but my doubts didn't go away. I got married and worked full time, while going to college, and went all the way to a Ph.D. My only regret is that I didn't spend much time with my children, but I am making up for that error, later in life. I had a number of interesting jobs over my life time, and I am now retired. I could have done better. I could have done worse, but I think I had a pretty good batting average overall. I am at peace with myself, despite some major mistakes I made, because I did some good things too, along the way.

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