Letters from readers - National Post

by Toronto_Guy 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Toronto_Guy


    Its been a while since I posted here...hope everyone is well.

    Some in Canada may read the National Post newspaper...Friday they had an editorial entitled "Halfway between religion and cult", discussing the blood issue as it relates to the the surviving sextuplets in British Columbia, Canada. I decided to respond, and to my suprise it become the "letter of the day", published in this weekend's edition of the Post. Below is what I wrote. Any feedback is welcome.


    Re: Halfway between religion and cult

    Having been raised by devout Jehovah's Witness parents, and having been a zealous member of the faith until I was 24 years old, I have followed the B.C. sextuplet case with interest. To their credit, Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in or practice infant baptism, because they feel that a person should be old enough to understand the faith and have a personal relationship with God before committing one's life to him, and to the faith. However, why does this thinking not apply to blood transfusions? Jehovah's Witness babies are not baptized members of the faith, and are therefore not bound its edicts. I don't have an issue with adults making the conscientious decision to reject certain medical treatment on the basis of faith, regardless of how irrational it may be. What bothers me is that fact that, had I faced a life threatening medical condition as a baby that required a blood transfusion, my parents would have fought to ensure that I die instead of breaking the rules of a religion that I, as an adult, no longer have any faith in and no longer practice.

  • J-ex-W

    Talk about a poignant letter!! Toronto_Guy----------- Good job!!

  • Junction-Guy

    Good job Toronto Guy

  • Junction-Guy

    Hey Toronto Guy, can you post a contact link here for the Toronto Post, I would love to send them a letter myself.

  • Been there
    Been there


    I couldn't have said it better myself, great letter. I always knew growing up that I was disposable if I got hurt or sick bad enough. Made me very cautious in what I did so I didn't get hurt. I knew I was loved but I also knew it was very conditional.

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    Excellent letter Toronto Guy

    It will make a lot of people think. While most people view JW's as largely benign the issue of letting their kids die over the blood issue did cause anger in my experience.

  • avidbiblereader

    Very well written TG, there is only one point that I can say that the witness have fallen way short of in your post

    To their credit, Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in or practice infant baptism, because they feel that a person should be old enough to understand the faith and have a personal relationship with God before committing one's life to him, and to the faith

    They may not infant baptise but they certainly child baptise which in my opinion is not too far off, allowing children at the age of 6 and up to get baptized is not any good either as many who walk away from it as you and others are still bound by a descision that they would not make as an adult and yet affects them negative for the rest of their lives, and many or all of them at this young tender age don't understand what they did until years later.


  • blondie

    Using Google

    "national post" canada

    Their website was the first one listed

    I clicked on it and put "jehovah's" in the search

    It appears you might have to be a subscriber to read some articles


  • jgnat

    Good job, Toronto_Guy. You stuck to a single subject, and a single theme. You laid out your argument very well. Both a reading Witness and the regular public would be impacted by your powerful words.

  • wannaexit


    that was great. good reasoning. got to use it

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