ex JW atheists

by Bobhere 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC
    Holy Spirit has to teach

    What is this holy spirit you speak of? Does he/she/it have properties that can be measured?

    , quickly then claim atheistism or agnostism

    I would not deny your personal experience with this holy spirit, but, did you quickly claim belief in god because of your experience with this creature?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    People say that Hank will give you a million dollars when you leave town.

    All I ask is for $50,000 right now as a sign of good faith.


  • kwintestal

    People say that Hank will give you a million dollars when you leave town.

    All I ask is for $50,000 right now as a sign of good faith.


    But ... don't you have to kiss his backside first?

    Then many feel since their 'prayers' are not anwered right away, or in a way they would like/think they should be, quickly then claim atheistism or agnostism.

    God wouldn't want such a selfish person anyway. He is jealous after all, and they'd be worshiping the false god of me-ism. There's a nice warm place in the earth's core for them and if you listen closely at the mouth of a volcano, you can hear them screaming. Isn't that sweet?


  • Outaservice

    Greetings IP_SEC,

    Regarding 'Holy Spirit' as to 'properties that can be measured', I will have to say, I really do not know, or understand it completely. I don't think 'we' can measure it.

    As to my belief in God, I have always believed in him, even as a JW for many years, but my appreciation of Him came after leaving that group. I chalk that up to what the Bible talks about as 'Holy Spirit'!

    Of course, belief or faith in such a thing is probably a personal matter.


  • Outaservice


    ..............'God wouldn't want such a selfish person anyway.'.................

    You may be on to something!

    Outaservice ('quickly' might be just a little longer than 'instantaniously'.)

  • mia_b

    I can't decide - the thought of god is so ingrained in me and as has already been noted the fact that all other religions are bad and don't serve god is also ingrained.

    I haven't looked into either creation or science theory enough to make a truly informed decision but my thoughts are:

    If there is a god why all the suffering - i dont care about the 1000 years to god is but a day stuff because the idea is also that he made us, knows what we're like so if he's around then he surely knows that to us 1000yrs is a 1000yrs and all the suffering we feel is felt stongly

    If each religion claims to follow god and the bible is truly inspired why dont they all believe the same thing?

    What kind of god lets a young child be abused and sits back saying don't worry you'll forget it all in paradise. or lets wars happen or lets people murder other people in his name or just palin murder each other and beat each other up?

    But then there's the part of me which is obviously in lots of people that thinks there may be someone who can help.

    i figure that the person who can help me the most is me.

  • lonelysheep

    I disagree with that analysis Junction Guy. In my case, and I suspect for other ex-jw's too, it was research on the JW's that led to the question of; well if they're wrong is any religion right?
    Researching further into biblical texts, ancient history and chronology, religious dogma etc leads many to reject religion altogether and become agnostic or atheist.

    It's not that on leaving they become godless. It's that for years they were fed lies dressed up as truth and so they have a deep need to find out the real truth about the world and the universe. IMO those who leave the JW's and still cling to another religion or religious ideology have only made half the journey and are still held by the selfish desires for a paternal protective God and the psychological comfort blanket of a personal saviour.

    What he said!

  • JamesThomas

    Welcome to the forum, Bob.

    What puzzels me is that in rejecting the WT so many also reject their belief in God.

    What is this "God" you think others are rejecting? The murderous-anthropomorphic-tribal-war-deity found within the pages of the bible? Is this what you mean?

    For some it is clearly realized that any and all deities are too limited and moronic to have anything to do with the existence of Reality. So they simply stop believing in them. Besides, beliefs are only shallow mental images, anyway. You're not letting go of anything real.

    What you are interpreting as a puzzling, may actually be the sign of awakening intelligence; for certainly if there is a true God it must be far, far grander than any little deity the mind creates.

    Perhaps you are heading in this direction yourself, which is why you bring up the question. Watch out, you may awaken one day to find yourself an atheist; and in my opinion you will then be open to a far vaster sense of the Divine; one too, too vast for the mind to grasp.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Having worshipped such an unloving god for so long, I find it just about impossible to accept that there is a loving god now, or any kind of god. If there is a god, and I don't believe there is, I can't see how he is worthy of worship.

  • garybuss

    The problem is: Once I accept a story without proof, which story without proof do I accept?

    I personally know a guy who tells me he was abducted by UFO's and taken on board an alien space ship. When I quit being skeptical of unbelievable claims, what do I do with this guy's story? Won't I have to believe it?

    I was told this in the first person by the actual person who experienced the miracle. This was nothing I read in a book that happened 2,000 years ago. This happened after the car I'm driving was manufactured.

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