What have you "Learned from JWD""??,

by OUTLAW 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • fifi40

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......If Sad Emo isnt the most evil person on the planet, who is then????

  • OnTheWayOut

    Not all of this is JWD-specific, but I learned (mainly) from the internet-

    A former Governing Body member named Ray Franz exposed the true
    nature of the GB in a book.

    The WTS joined the United Nations for several years.

    WTS has many more child-abuse problems than we were led to believe.

    Rutherford was a drunken manipulator, Russell warned about the type
    of "organization" that Rutherford formed.

    "This generation" and "1975" were just "History repeating" incidents
    like 1914, 1915, 1925.

    The use of the name "Jehovah" in the NT is totally wrong, not in the
    original texts.

    The New World Translation is a terrible translation.
    Freddy Franz was it's Greek scholar- He's a whacko.

    The WTS stand on blood is a misapplication of scripture.

    607 BCE is a wrong date, all evidence points to 20 years later, the
    WTS originally worked backwards to 606, but had to change to 607 when
    they forgot the year "Zero" wasn't there in the math. This destroys many
    things I preached from the podium. They ignore all the evidence- similar to
    any evidence about evolution, the flood, vaccinations, blood, the cross, etc.

    The ellipses (...) in any quote from WTS should be viewed with suspision-
    They are notorious for leaving out the part that would make the quote
    disagree with their doctrines.

    I am the victim of a mind-control cult. There is a way out.

    There is strength in bonding with JWD members, better than the love
    shown in the congregations of JW's.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    Was it,you were not alone?

    Most definitely. I have been able to talk about how the WTS played a part in the sexual abuse I experienced as a child (not that I was glad there were so many others)

    I got tremendous support while I was processing how that affected my life.

    I also learned how suicide is far more prevalent in the org than I ever thought. And again I got lots of support when my sister ended her life

    I've learned that I don't always have to have answers. There are perfectly good times to ask the questions.

  • becca1

    1- that I'm not alone

    2- everything onethewayout said

    3- that a great number of people who leave the WT are reasonable individuals not angry kooks

  • avidbiblereader

    There is a lot of hurt people out there with unmeasurable damage done by an organization.


  • minimus

    That I ask a lot of questions......

  • free2beme

    Top things I learned from coming to former Witness boards.

    1. Your not a lone in your post life thoughts.

    2. Some people can sometimes take themselves out of the Kingdom Hall, but not out of the Jehovah's Witness thinking.

    3. What is being taught by Witnesses today, without having to learn it from a Witness.

    4. There are as many good and bad personalities in, as there are out.

    5. We all have to much time on our hands, from not going to all those meetings, conventions, field service and elder's meetings ... so we spend it here.

  • Undecided

    There are all kinds of apostates out there, and I kinda like them all.

    Ken P.

  • proplog2

    99% of what I read here is useless to me.

    99% of what I write here is useless to anyone else.

    Now I think I have been fair.

    People that leave the Watchtower are not necessarily going to think any straighter. For example You Know = E-Watchman

  • Blueblades

    One of many things, my favorite is, Blondie's "Comments You Won't Hear", a thorough picking apart of The Watchtower study every week. If she conducted The Watchtower study the halls would empty out after the 'real comments' were made by her.


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