I made my wife think....

by roflcopter 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • roflcopter

    She recently went on a rant about how I need to go to meetings and that she knows the WTS is not perfect but its the closest thing. She kept trying to gode me into spilling everything... I simply put it to her in an illustration and it made her really think...

    In response to her telling me that its the closest thing to the truth I told her my feelings: "If I was eating a peice of delicious chocolate... and then the baker told me she picked up dog poop with her bare hands and didnt wash them before she made them... would you still eat it? Sure it still may taste good, but would continue to eat it?"

    She got my analogy and was just silent the rest of the night. I hope that it sunk in. =D

  • lonelysheep

    Wow! I like your analogy.

    Give her a big hug and kiss...she might need it.

  • lighthouse19something

    Reminds of how they said alcoholics can't take booze intravenously when Doc says they can't DRINK liquor anymore

  • Alwayshere

    roflcopter, hope that gets your wife to thinking. A long time ago the Watchtower Society was putting other religions down by saying " if someone offered you a drink of water and told you it only had a little bit of poison in it, would you drink it/" and went on to say "eventually it will kill you."

  • Woodsman

    Anything that is almost right is still wrong,

  • thetrueone

    Tell her this..........

    Over time if the person stays with the organization he or she too goes through the mental manipulation in that everything that is said and written by the WTS. is the honest and the undeniable truth of all that is happening on the earth today and yesterday. So therefore they demand all followers or slaves as they are called to kneel and succumb to their power with unquestionable devotion.

    It is common knowledge that where there is power and control and maybe even money that men will strive toward that attainable goal for the betterment of themselves. If for example you were to do a background study on the people that started this religion like C. T. Russell and big judge Rutherford. You would clearly see that these men were great power seekers to the extreme. But they obtained that power from false pretences and conjecture.

    The king keeps control of his slaves and the power that he has obtained, by the virtue of information given.

    Unfortunately many of the stated doctrines and ideas were devised primarily and structured on increasing the circulation of the magazines and whatever else they were selling and yes they did have profits in mind.

    Now in the kingdom halls there is a state of fear that is established between the elders, ministerial servants and congregation overseers, the eyes are upon you so to speak at all times to make sure everyone falls in line, all in the disguise that this is God's will and purpose which it is obviously not.

    Unfortunately the reason why it takes so many Jehovah's Witnesses so long to wake up and realize that this is not God's organization and that they have perjured the truth is because the Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to question, analyze or debate any policies or instructions from headquarters. There is a mental mindset that when you walk into the Kingdom hall doors you leave any self observational thinking at the door or at least it's very frowned on. Remember too that at the book studies and watchtower studies the questions on the material is given by them they tell you what to think and how to think about their written material. This in essence is mind manipulation and control its not too hard to understand that.

    So it kind of seems that the WTS. really started a psychosis of fear to the public by using world events and the imminent Armageddon in a venture to power themselves and power they certainly did receive. Having said that I can honestly say that I've gained some things from the organization perhaps some communication skills and some knowledge of other religions to my benefit and I did meet some very good people there, but I’m glad I’m out and probably will never return.

    All the best .....

  • zack

    Great illustration. My wife just says to me that I don't like other people telling me what to do which is why I have a problem with the WTS.

    At least she and I agree on that.

  • becca1

    After a certain age it's all about the poop.

  • gumby

    I can understand a persons reasoning on saying "it's the closest thing to the truth". People who have negative feelings about some aspects of the bible also reason that "most" of the bible is true......even though there are some errors. What is missing in these peoples reasoning are the "proofs" that the entire premise of their faith has no foundation.

    Many witnesses know very little about WHY their organisation is bogus. Most witnesses know of the falsely proclaimed dates for the time of the end and know of some of the doctrinal flip flops the organisation has made and that isn't enough to open their eyes. Some have read COC and similar books denouncing the organisation and STILL hold on to their faith. For some it takes alot more than seeing only a handful of errors within the organisation. Hopefully your wife isn't one of the latter. Good luck.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Good analogy, I really hope it makes your wife think about what she has put her trust in.

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