I made my wife think....

by roflcopter 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Highlander

    Great for you. Now your next asignment is to get MY wife to think.

  • IronClaw
    She got my analogy and was just silent the rest of the night. I hope that it sunk in.

    You did mean that You hope it STUNK in.

    The Claw.

  • Fatfreek

    Many witnesses know very little about WHY their organisation is bogus. Most witnesses know of the falsely proclaimed dates for the time of the end and know of some of the doctrinal flip flops the organisation has made and that isn't enough to open their eyes. Some have read COC and similar books denouncing the organisation and STILL hold on to their faith. For some it takes alot more than seeing only a handful of errors within the organisation.

    So correct, our dear Mr. Gumby. The reason is, while all of the above reasons (subjective, subject to interpretation) are very valid ones and many of us may have exited because of them, there are some -- myself included -- who require an objective reason.

    Take lying within the pages of the WT, for example. It's black and white. They can't deny it. They even do everything in their legal power to prevent folks from reading the ones with lies -- shutting down the Quotes website -- for example. The WT tells folks that any religion that lies to its adherents cannot be the true religion. That's one thing they say that I believe as well -- and most folks do as well. Lies also can't fall under the oft-used alibi of "mistakes" they make. Unlike a mistake, a lie is intentional.

    My essay in the form of a letter to the GB addresses their problem of lying.


  • Abandoned

    roflcopter, that's brilliant. Way to handle a touchy situation with brains and grace.

  • UnConfused

    One of the most powerful and eye opening reads is the transcript from the Walsh Trial in Scotland.


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