JW's - Satanic Cult or just wrong-headed religion?

by AK - Jeff 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The evils of the religion are well documented here and elsewhere - but does that prove to you that they are indeed 'Satanic', under the direction of Satan? Or are they just screwed up?


  • Honesty

    They are definitely not of God or from Him so that leaves just one alternative in my little book of Horrors.

  • Gill

    No! Not Satanic!

    They're a publishing company with an excellent advertising campaign and brilliant method of keeping their customers. They offer an impossible dream and trap their new members into this dream with brainwashing, fear and hope of living forever if they buy into the WTBTS.

    Once the first generation of a family is trapped, furture generations are also trapped because they are bound by the rules of the game.

    The rules are that you have to keep playing to the END! The END of the game is either your own death or Armageddon! Since there is NO Armageddon then you are bound to keep playing the game to the END of your life!! It's sort of like JUMANJI really!

    Very clever! Very Evil....but very, very clever!!

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Screwed up with a little help from Satan. Don't give him credit where it isn't due!

  • truthsearcher

    Mornin' Jeff:

    I think the answer to your question would depend on your worldview. If your worldview is that the world in general is in "darkness" ie Satan's realm since the Fall in Eden, then those who work against God would be considered agents of Satan, even if unwittingly so. So, does the WT's conscious deceptions, twisting of Scripture, demoting of the Saviour and entrappment of people into serving an organization instead of God qualify? According to the Bible, everything that exalts itself against God is directed by Satan--there's only 2 masters in this world. If you aren't serving one then you are serving the other. So, according to my worldview, I would have to vote for satanic cult.

    Others, no doubt, will disagree.

  • ValiantBoy

    Considering that I still have many loved one trapped in the organization, it is hard for me to label it Satanic. Also, and I may draw some criticism for this, for all my complaints about the organization, there were parts of it I enjoyed and there were times in my life that it was just what I needed. Soo, not from Satan, just another misguided religion with power hungry, corrupt leaders and mainly well intentioned, sincere underlings.

  • megsmomma

    I vote Satanic cult...the way they use brain washing techniques to keep the masses from freeing themselves shows a very evil core. I think those that are truely stuck in it though are mostly sincere in wanting to do the right thing, and are just misguided.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings AK - Jeff,

    I'm with Gill on this one. It's a humongous book and magazine publishing corp., whose sales force works for free.


  • Alwayshere


  • carla

    Partly satanic. They teach and condone lying to each other, non jw's, spouses, courts, etc... who is the father of lies?

    Your basic r & f is simply delusional not necessarily satanic.

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