Changing your diet - meat, dairy, sugar

by Pleasuredome 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    At one point in my life I was on Macrobiotics hard core. I was trying to turn around my newly diagnosed condition; Hashimotoes Thyroiditus. I would even put poultices on my neck. It is too many carbs, my body needs more fresh raw foods than macro calls for.

    What does work for me now is the lifestyle I now live; organic mostly raw vegan. I was finally diagnosed (too late to stop some of the organ damage that could have been avoided) with the genetic blood liver disease Hereditary Hemochromatosis (HH) that caused all kinds of other medical problems; lupus, fibromyalgia, diabetes, to name a few.

    I am 46, look great, feel great, and am incredibly healthy! In fact I just went to the Doctor today and she is amazed. I take few suppliments, eat nothing at all that comes from an animal. Most of my food is raw. My blod pressure today was 117 over 78. I have regular bleedings every 8-10 weeks, since 1994 for the rest of my life. I should be one sick puppy.

    When they do the bloodwork it shows the HH of course since it is genetic, shows the lupus and positive A&A Auto immune antibodies, but ZERO physical effects from them. The Doctors have no doubts my success is due to my lifestyle. I have gone from a liver near failure, to functioning perfectly in spite of serious diagnosed damage.

    I personally believe that the majority of todays diseases are all caused from over consumption, meats, refined adulterated foods, chemical additives and dairy products.

    Go vegan

  • lonelysheep
    Go vegan

    I'm with you, but not there yet!

  • lonelysheep

    *double post*

  • jgnat

    Wow, JH, you are dead on the money!

    My philosophy is simple: Eat light. Never over eat. Try to be balanced and eat a bit of everything.

    I'm glucose intolerant, which means I must follow a very balanced diet. I can't afford to skip a food group. I can't afford to skip a meal! For the past three weeks, I've increased the amount of vegetables I eat, and reduced carbohydrates. My tummy's been tumbling over the offerings longer than usual, wondering what I'm doing to it. But I've noticed an appreciable increase in energy and stamina. Not to mention some shed pounds.

  • Stealth453

    Personally, I eat anything and everything. However, 5 months ago, I began taking Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil, three times a day. To date I have lost 78 pounds, and 8 inches from my waist. I feel great, have a lot more energy, and my blood pressure, which has always been a problem, is normal.

    Certainly worth a try.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Good subject. Years ago when my wife was undergoing chemo I tried to put her on a macrobiotic diet. The problem was she couldn't eat the crap (sorry food). The only food that tasted good to her and she could keep down was junk food so that is what she ate. Anyway this discussion is timely for me. This morning I decided to start eating right again. I went to Whole Foods market and bought a lot of healthier foods. What I find works best for my wife and myself is a Mediterian diet. We enjoy the food so we can stay on it.

    I think we can have some influence on our health however I feel some of it is hereditary. My wife's grandfather only died when he had an accident at 89 and he smoked all the time. His children are all living a long time however his grandchild aren't all that healthy so who knows. I'm also thinking of a friend I had when I was a JW who was a surfer and a rock climber, always took care of himself, always thin. He died a few years ago at about age 50 when his heart gave out.

    Another thing I wonder about is when people speak about all the diseases we have today being caused by the food we eat and that people didn't have these diseases in the past. Keep in mind that in the past most people didn't live long enough to get the diseases that show up when we get to middle age. They were already dead by the time they reached what we call middle age today.

    Steath453 I find your comment very interesting. A while back on the radio I heard a PH.D. Seth Roberts speaking about something similar. He says he has lost weigh by drinking virgin olive oil or sugar water. He has a book on the subject: "The Shangri-La Diet". Anyway he says it has to do with calories that trigger taste. If you take in calories that don't trigger taste then you are satisfied. Anyway thanks for reminding me. I'm going to try it this week and see how it works.

  • Gregor

    Several years ago my wife and I went on a completely natural diet. After cutting out meat, dairy, sugar and all processed foods we felt much better. The only problem we have had is a few troubles with our teeth from the chewing of leaves, twigs and the like. We find that it is necessary to consume about 40 lbs. of fodder a day in order to keep our energy up to a level that allows us to graze 6-8 hours daily. The increase in dietetic fiber has made it almost impossible to be more than a short distance away from toilet facilties. But this is a small price to pay for our vibrant good health. We have also seen tremendous benefit from wearing clothes of all natural fiber which we weave from our leftover meals. We know this is not a life style that would work for everyone but we have found it beneficial.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    Ultimatly we all have to learn to listen to our bodies and eat what makes us better physicaly. Being an animal activist I am also motivated by the massive numbers of animal cruelty in factory farms and feedlots. Not to mention the destruction on the environment they cause.

    I understand about people living longer and diseases etc. But I think we can track the development of some food related diseases without a doubt such as type 2 diabetes. The stress refined sugars puts on the pancreas is intense.

    Genetics obviously has a great deal to do with health as in my case. My wrong eating kept me very ill, I had to dedicate years of experimenting to get to where I am. I'm not sure about that one post, much research has been done on the low cholesteral and blood pressure, lower heart problems in vegetarian populations.

    Also studies have been done showing the decay of the Japanese health with the introduction of Western foods, Big Macs and such.

    Today was pretty cool. My hemoglobin levels are an indicator of my ferretin/iron levels and is often high before a bleeding. I have been really cutting calories since September, working harder to have a higher percentage of raw produce. My hemoglobin was the lowest it has been in years! So even though I was eating the right foods, I was eating just a little too much. I can handle 1500 calories a day, any more and I don't feel well.

    See for me I have all the motivation a person can need. If I do not eat raw vegan, I will be in bed, sick, on steroids for the lupus, having painful exacerbations, all kinds of wierd issues. Makes it easier to make the right choice!

  • TweetieBird

    Last January, my co-worker and I went on a vegetarian diet. I never felt better. But I live with a bunch of carnivores so if I tried to make a vegetarian meal, I caught so much grief that I finally gave in to the carnivore lifestyle again. However, I am thinking about giving it another go. Meanwhile, I read a really good book called, "Mastering Leptin" and have lost 20 pounds (what I needed to lose) just by changing when I eat as opposed to what I eat. My goal for February is to give up red meat and coffee.

  • jgnat

    How about Omnivore, guys? That's what our teeth are telling us.

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