In Memorandum

by RichieRich 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    Thanks to everyone again-

    big thanks to a poster who just told me he loved me- but like racecar drivers love each other, not lonely cowboys.

    Snoozy- I think you missed the last 80 to 90% of my post. I'm done with her. She gave birth to me, did bad things to me, and now I'm done. I'm not worried how she feels, or whats happening inside her head. Its ugly its cruel its mean, but its the posistion I have chosen to take with her.

  • lonelysheep
    I'm done with her. She gave birth to me, did bad things to me, and now I'm done. I'm not worried how she feels, or whats happening inside her head. Its ugly its cruel its mean, but its the posistion I have chosen to take with her.

    It's what you have to do for you. ((((Ritchie))))

    Been there for other reasons, myself.

  • LittleToe


    Your post needs little comment - it just "is".

    The only thing that I can add (and this isn't said to contest your feelings, or to detract from your post) is that there is a bond between a mother and her child that is beyond rationale and beyond the shyte that might lay between them. There will always be a wound deep in a place that you cannot touch, cannot heal, cannot fathom... it just "is".

  • deeskis


    I'm performing an emotional biopsy.

    Writing things down like this is an important step in healing and moving on. You expressed yourself so well and I hope that you gain a sense of peace from having got it out. Your mum sounds like she has much more issues than just being a jw. I was wondering how your relationship with your father has been recently, and I would encourage you to speak with a counsellor, maybe at uni to work through this more.

    Take care,

    best wishes


  • RichieRich
    I was wondering how your relationship with your father has been recently, and I would encourage you to speak with a counsellor, maybe at uni to work through this more.

    Myself and my father get along very well. He's still my father, trying to steer me towards some things and away from others. We see each other once every 3 weeks or so and share a big meal and exchange stories.

    I don't have any plans on spoeaking with any counselors- I feel fine, and when I'm down, I come here, and sort it out.

  • blondie

    Well, Richie, I can understand having an abusive mother. It took me longer to realize that to stay healthy emotionally and mentally was to stay away from her.

    I'm glad you have reached this insight.

    Love, Blondie

  • misanthropic


  • carla

    Richie, I'm so sorry. Your mom doesn't know or understand what she is missing. On a side note, my non jw kids ask after you quite often, 'what happened to that guy who.....'. Please keep us updated on your new life and school once & awhile. All the best to you, carla

  • Snoozy

    Richie..I am so sorry your Mother was more abusive than I realized. I didn't know your Father was still in your life..that's a good thing. But did he allow your Mom to treat you badly or was he absent?

    I had a lot of resentment towards my Mother as I too had a different kind of abuse..but as the years went along..I realized my Father was just as guilty for allowing my Mom to be the way she was with us.

    Then later in my life(with counseling) I let the anger go. Don't really know what happened ..the anger was just gone.I think as I got older..and saw the different kinds of sickness in people..I was able to admit she was mentally Ill and could not help herself. She even had shock treatments but they only helped for a little while.The thought of how she must have felt just broke my heart..I wondered if there was ever a time when she was truly happy.Then I felt so sad for her.

    Maybe mental abuse is easier to forgive then physical? I don't know.

    Big hugs to you..

    Snoozy..who thinks you are one brave guy for someone so young.When the anger starts to diminish..then you will know you are on the road to recovery..they always say "Hate what the person does to you..not the person.".It makes you feel better ...really...

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Wow Richie, you never cease to impress me. Sorry it has to be that way with your mother but it is aways best to face the reality of a situation and you have done that. I am also glad as others have mentioned that you got out of that cult while you are young. Lots of time to do the right thing with your life. Most relationships in the tower are false based on how you play the game so who needs them? Anyway thanks honest heart felt post. I think it will help others in here who are going through similar situations.

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