Jehovah's Witnesses & "worldly" association (sad story)

by lovelylil 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lovelylil

    Today a JW friend of mine related this story to me. She was at the park with a sister whose husband is an elder. The elder's wife had their four year old son, an only child with her. The mother sends the child off to play but tells him he is not to talk to any of the worldly kids or to play with them. My friend objected for she is a more balance Witness. But the mother insisted that her child would remain pure from worldy influences.

    The little boy came back to his mother several times to tell her he was not having any fun. How could he, he could not laugh and play with any of the other children. The Mother then tells this young child "you have to make a stand against Satan" and admonishes him to stay away from the other kids and play by himself. This continued several times and then the mother eventually left with one sad little boy.

    This nearly broke my heart I have to say. I have very fond memories of bringing my kids to the park and watching them play with the many oher kids. I could never understand why a JW parent would not allow this. The kids at the park are not talking about religion to your child, they are playing childhood games. And you are sitting right there with them! What does she think these kids will do to her child? Didn't Jesus say that young children were pure in heart. In addition to being sad, this made me very angry. This lady is damaging her child. He is completely isolated and will suffer from depression.

    I remember this lady counceling me when I was in the hall because I left my son (then 7) play with a little nieghbor boy. I told her to butt out because it was my business. She then told me in a very proud voice how SHE does not even let her child outside because they live on a street with other kids. Isn't this totally ridiculous! Not only that, I think it is mental abuse of her own child. I was thinking of writing a letter to her anonymously and plead with her, using the Bible to have a more balanced view. I'm very concerned for this young boy and my heart is breaking for him.

    Do you guys think I should write to her? Lilly

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Lilly,

    I guess you could write, but I doubt it would do much good. She seems to be a totally brainwashed jw, carrying the rules regarding association to extremes. It sounds like she wants to bring her child up to be just the same, even if it means robbing him of his childhood to do it.

    I feel very sorry for him, but I doubt there is much anyone can do.


  • avidbiblereader

    Yes this is sad and too many times has this been the case with child after child. The W in JW for her should stand for WACKO, the child will most likely grow up damaged as the damaged parents raising him,


  • Warlock


    A sister in our hall had an only child. She would allow her child to play with "worldly" children, and even have them over. *gasp*

    Once she invited one of the elder's daughters to come over so they could play and have cake, you know. It turns out that there were also a couple of "worldly" children who were also invited.

    The next day that elder called the sister and read her the "riot act" for having those "worldly" children there and exposing his daughter to "bad association".


  • done4good

    This is very sad. Honestly, it makes me angry that people could actually do things like this to thier children. Disgusting.


  • sammielee24
    SHE does not even let her child outside because they live on a street with other kids. Isn't this totally ridiculous! Not only that, I think it is mental abuse of her own child. I was thinking of writing a letter to

    Thats the way we were raised. Thats the way my kids were raised - to make a stand. It was most definitely understood that any association with wordly kids was not an option. The isolation was dedication to Jehovah. Growing up in this environment - and then raising your kids the same way does nothing but ensure that you are in constant fear, turmoil, stress and anxiety when placed in a worldly environment. This makes it next to impossible to survive outside the society - and that is the way the Watchtower wants it to be. sam

  • Quandry

    This reminds me of when my own child was young. She is nineteen now. I didn't let the neighbor kids come over because they stole toys out of our yard and were the kind that wandered around constantly.

    But, when she started school, I reasoned that part of school is learning social skills and everyone should play and get along together.

    Anyway, when she was in first grade, a little witness girl was in the class. Apparently her parents had done a good job of indoctrinating her, because during recess she would chase the other children around, yelling at them that they would die at Armageddon!!!! When I heard this, she was the one I told my daughter not to play with--of course I didn't have to, because even in the first grade she was embarrassed by her behavior!!!!

  • PaNiCAtTaCk

    I was blessed with parents that would tell me " you can play with them just remember they are worldly and you can make a good witness" She would tell me "remember who you are!" My parents let me play with worldly kids after school because we were in a very small town with no other witnesses within 20 miles. Of course maybe she regrets it now that ive joined the evil slave class. I hope they dont blame themselves because i learned to think for myself:(

  • betterdaze

    ***Do you guys think I should write to her?***

    Since we know who possesses the headship, and makes final decisions in all family matters, perhaps you should write to HIM!

    (You may want to point out the scripture where Paul talks about being no part of the word, yet we can't actually get out of living in it.)


  • betterdaze

    Oops! I meant "world." But you knew that.


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