My daughter had a showdown with her aunt

by coffee_black 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • ClaireManEater
    ClaireManEater these people ever get it?

    Don't think so. She should get restraining order.

  • Canyoncarver

    I think if she informed her aunt that she'll beat the living daylights out of her the next time she steps foot on her property, she'd stay away. If not it'd be a gratifying beat down to deliver legally to a numbskull JW and would deliver quite the message that your daughter is not one to be f*cked with.

    I had a persistent 'brother' that didn't get the message after 3-4 unannounced visits, the last time he got an elbow to the temple. Never heard from ANYONE again.

  • coffee_black

    Thanks for the input... That woman is like a steamroller.... I live in daughter is in Florida...or I'd be over there taking her on personally. 'course she'd keep her distance if I was there...'cause i'm an evil apostate.

    My daughter was never baptized...but this woman shunned her anyway for 15 years. It amazing to me that she thinks she can waltz back into my daughter's life and influence her kids. If she was really sincere, she would first appologize for her treatment of my daughter and apologize for ignoring her all these years


  • Canyoncarver

    Good luck with your daughter and remind her that bullies are all the same. Smack them in the mouth (literally or figuratively) and they back off.

  • JWdaughter

    As your daughter has reason to be concerned she should definitely get a restraining order IF a discussion with the elders doesn't have effect. The only reason I recommend the elders is that is hitting the woman where she lives. She has been given, in effect, a notice that she is a DNC. The elders need to understand that this woman is only using her 'relative' status to proselytise and it is unacceptable for her to do so. Your daughter may want to tell them why. And as this will be somewhat embarrassing to the aunt-more so than a restraining order which would give her martyr status-I think it will keep her away-for awhile, anyhow. The legal thing may be necessary, but its a pain in the butt and the elders may be able to nip it in the bud. The thing is, any further action could be considered some kind of religious harrassment, and associating it with the KH, and the elders being notified would give teeth to it. They don't want that. Since you are in agreement that this should go NO further, then it could solve the problem.

  • caligirl

    I agree with JWDaughter's line of reasoning. Starting with the elders might have at least a temporary effect, and be highly embarassing for the aunt to be called to the carpet. Especially given that new article that says the women in the hall are to be in subjection to all males in the congregation, not just their husbands?

    The "Aunt" has no rights as far as the law is concerned.

  • Sunspot
    Sunspot these people ever get it?

    Of course they do.

    We must not forget that WTS teachings take ALL precedence over anything anyone else says, feels or thinks. She most likely thinks she is "pleasing God" by injecting herself into your life this way, despite your objections. It makes her feel important, and makes her think she is winning Brownie Points for her spirituality record with her Watchtowergod.

    She STILL needs to be told, point blank, with NO room for misunderstanding....that she is to back off; her company is NOT wanted OR appreciated....and that YOU WILL see to it that the LAW is called if she tries this one more time. It is the ONLY way your family will get any peace from the JW lunatic.

    hugs and best wishes for success in this,


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