Dog Owners: Is your pet a Killer?

by restrangled 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • confusedjw

    My dog dreams of catching the ole gray squirrel, but never will...


    One of my dogs eats squirrels and the nieghbours bunnies..He only eats the Evil Bunnies!...OUTLAW

  • cruzanheart

    Here's a picture of my beautiful fearless "killer," who tragically passed away December 7 from complications of Addison's Disease. The hamster was my daughter's pet, Teddy (who died of old age in 2005), and Moose was torn between making a friend of Teddy or treating him like an appetizer. "Appetizer" won out, so they weren't allowed to play together without a cage between them.


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro


    Are you sure the possum was dead?? They are pretty good at faking and I've personally touched one who I swore was dead after one of my childhood dogs went after it. I took the dog away and went back with a shovel to bury it and it was gone! You may want to check your trash, just in case. Of course, the possum could easily get out of the bag and is probably having a field day in your trash!

    Otherwise, just the nature of the beast. I did have a dog that killed a neighbor's baby pig, a few cats and various other things. The last straw was when it killed my mom's cat. We got rid of it.

  • Odrade

    Aw, Nina, I'm sorry about Moose. I was hoping his condition would be manageable. :( He was a cutie. I have a photo of him you put up in my screensaver slideshow.

  • unbeliever

    My brother has always had pitt bulls. They have killed more than their fair share of cats. They have even dragged the dead animals in his house.

  • restrangled

    Doubting Bro,

    Yes ole Mr. Opossum is dead, I'm sure his neck was broken. I took the bag out to the trash this morning....ugh.


  • Country_Woman

    My 2 huskies adores children and are overall friendly to humans, but they are killers on 4 legs with all other animals (except other dogs, sometimes they are tolerated - especially when they are larger.)

    They are having the sad record of 1 sheep (before I got them) the 18 chickens of my mum, a large rabbit (which was in a closed cage) and they broke in an aviary with pheasants and killed at least 4 of them. Those were all domesticated. And in all cases, they managed to escape the house. At first I thought that the frontdoor was'nt closed properly, but after a while I found out that they managed to open the door themselves. Today, the door is always bolted and - when I am out and the dogs are in - closed with the key.

    While walking them out, each mole at the sid of the road was instantly killed. The only creatures who survived their attacks were hedgehogs....

    When confronted with that behaviour it is very difficult to "love" your pets.... but as said before, they are predators and it is in their nature.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I had a dob/lab cross that was quite the hunter. He killed and ate rabbits and groundhogs. I tried to keep a close eye on him, but we were in the country and it wasn't always easy to catch him before he ate them. I'd know when he'd eaten something because he'd get tapeworms. He was really good at stalking the animals, and would move fractions of an inch at a time till he got close enough.

    Of the two I have now? They like to chase the animals, but I doubt they'd be able to catch anything - they bark their fool heads off and give the poor creatures a great head start.

    The boarder collie if she stopped barking long enough to catch it would no doubt kill it. I've seen what she does to her stuffed toys!


  • cruzanheart

    Thanks, Odrade. I'm really touched that you have a picture of him in your screensaver! Moose was a gentle, loving dog (except to rabbits) who made a lot of friends in the short time he was alive. I hope, if there's an afterlife, that his heaven contains soft couches to sleep on, people to rub his tummy and his ears, and a few rabbits to make it interesting.


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