ITHINKISEE Update: My fleshly JW sister says I am Satanic and dangerous

by ithinkisee 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Welcome, ilikegirls, and congratulations on bringing out all your siblings. How many are there?

    Maybe your parents will soften up in a few years, when the grandbabies start popping up.

  • gymbob


    Sorry to hear about your family, they sound as whacky as mine....

    I DA'd myself 4 years ago, and my dub mother has recently started to write letters to my wife (we just got married in Nov.). My mom's trying to start a "friendship" with her, although she won't have anything to do with me her own son. I think she's trying to recruit her....

    Anyway.....I had the same conversation you did with my sister a few months back. I understand how you feel. It's hard to believe people (family) can be so....disappointing. GYMBB

  • orangefatcat

    Scully you hit the nail on the head, It is so logical.

    I would have wondered out loud whether her faith was so weak that it couldn't handle being around someone who didn't share her beliefs. If she was so confident about having The Truthâ„¢, and you are not overtly doing anything to change her opinion, why is she so afraid of you?

    I find that my one sister is very much like your sister, She is so fearfull when she sees me in public. She panics literally. Funny thing is my sister when she was younger left the Organization for 14 years. I have no idea as to why she went back. I do think that the girl she worked with and from my parents and other JWs who knew her since she was young pressured her and she broke down and decided to return. She was not baptized at t his time. It was in 1990 when she was and the following year her husband was dunked.

    Having had a converstation with her when I left my ex husband and the organization she was so high and mighty . Telling me it is almost certian that there won't be another year in this system of things. That was in 1999, I told her that since the inception of the organization they say the same thing year after year and still no big A.

    I think that irks her at times when she sees I am living la vida loca and she is strapped into being a witness fearful of letting herself think freely. She doesn't have a good relationship with her husband because he cheated on her prior to his being involved with the witnesses. and had a child she didn't know about it. She stayed with him for the sake of her children. I told her she could survive with out him. But I think she was afraid of reprecutions from my father.

    I know she knows it is not the truth. I recently saw her when my aunt was in the hospital (not a JW), and I could tell by the expression on her face and by her words and actions she was envious of my freedom. However, not one to disobey the WTS she refused to eat lunch at the hospital with me. My mother ate a meal in fact my mom bought me a meal and if looks could have killed I think she (my sis) wanted to say something to my mom in a contemptous way.

    I know for sure she laced into mom when we seperated as mom ate with a bad person and evil person an apostate. Yet I don't think for one minute my mother cared she just wanted to see me and eat lunch with me. My sister sneered with her facial expressions everytime I put food in my mouth. Mom wanted me to share her salad with me and my sister, however my sister pretended she wasn't the least bit hungry and told mom if you can't eat the salad take it home with you and have it later. I said the same thing to my mom. I could see straight through my sisters indignation. Like how dare you take food from mom. What a sad state of affairs.

    Her husband is an elder who would in a beat of a heart turn you in for disfellowshipping if he thought you were doing anything wrong. In less than 10 years I believe it was bearly six years from the time of his baptizm that he became and elder. Now he looks so old and no longer has lovely black hair but is almost white. Pressure must be to much.

    He never liked me anyway under any set of circumstances. He would delight in trying to trip me up in the scriptures., this was before he started to show any interest in the bible, I had been a witness for over thirty years yet he was hell bent on trying to trip me up if he could. I even told him once that I ought to know the answers because I had been a witness a long time. There were years before I was disfellowshipped that he wouldn't allow my sister and her children to visit me. He felt I was a poor example as a witness and tolerated too much with my son. I was a lienent mom who let her son watch the oh the smurfs, gi joe, transformers, wrestling and boxing and her kids were brought up with such rigidity that they were afraid of their mother and father and would actually shake when ever my sister of husband would come towards their children. The oldest son was very afraid of his mom as her temper even as a witness was very bad, There was a time I almost called the Children's Aid Society, because she was a cruel mother.

    My sister had always a short fuse. She always critized my choices and I am sure as I am alive that when I left my ex and the org., she was so eager to contact the elders because like and idiot and not thinking clearly at that time I told her what I had done. Wow she couldn't wait to say, " Well Terry youknow what I have to do. I have to call the elders now and tell them what you have done,", "I said, to her don't bother they already know as I had sent them a letter". But it was her attitude and eagerness to see that I would get everything that was coming my way. She would try to trap trip me up. I felt like I was living under a microscope and that I was perhaps a lethal organism. I laugh about it because she was so quick on the draw to point out my sins. Forgetting her own.

    I know this is long and I am sorry it is just that when my fingers start typing they never know when to stop. lol.\

    Orangefatcat is dangerous and perhaps satanic. all according to my sisters books of life.

    You have my sincerest congratulations for standing up to your sister. Natural affection means nothing to them, They are really convinced that we evil. Math 7 1,2 means nothing to them. How sad.


  • Ingenuous
    Me: "So do I. I go with the bible on those differences too."Her: "Whoa, no, don't even start with me [Ithinkisee]. I'm not gonna have these kinds of apostate conversations with you."

    Defending your use of the Bible as your standard = "apostate conversation"

    The mind boggles...

  • ithinkisee

    Thanks everyone for all the responses. Gave me a lot to think about.

    kitten whiskers:
    Christmas was beautiful with my dad. Somewhat bittersweet thinking of all the Xmases we missed and that we are so far away now - basically because of the religion. And yes, we are also saving the 'loving' cards and letters from JW "friends and family" to show the kids when they are older.

    SB: "i really like how you kept mentioning "natural affection". nice JW "buzz word" to catch their attention. "
    Yeah, I want her to think of me everytime they mention the term "natural affection" in their studies. I want her to have to pause and think about it.

    Your questions are good ones. I will keep these in mind for future conversations.

    True, no devil horns yet. We're far from the perfect family - we just manage to pull it together pretty well when we're in the company of others. Heheheh.

    Out of all my family she is by far the MOST unreasonable. EVen my mom is slightly more reasonable than her.

    Not sure about a Chirst-filled Xmas, but I did have a good Christmas and I have no aversion to saying the word "Christmas". One of my aunt's gave me a book by Josh McDowell that attempts to provide "evidence" for Jesus.

    I'll send you a PM. Check your inbox shortly.

    Hopefully your wife is on to the charade of your mom trying to recruit her?

    Yes, if my response sounds logical and makes sense and is opposite her current belief system, then it must be 'apostate'!


  • Green Chille
    Green Chille

    It is sad to think that I was once a part of this HATEFUL religion that teaches it's members to hate and spy on one NAZIS!

  • Gill

    You have my sympathies ithinkisee!

    I know I have a smiley face, but that's because I am laughing.

    My parents told me that I am a friend of Satan and an enemy of Jehovah!

    I'm still laughing several years on! It sounds so stupid!

    I'm thinking of having a T shirt made to wear only on those occassions where I have to see my parents!

  • carla

    My sympathies. Isn't it really sad that their faith is so weak it could be destroyed by a simple conversation?

  • yaddayadda

    Her big flaw is in thinking that by turning your back on the organisation you are turning your back on Jehovah. If you still believe in God then it would've really diffused the situation by stating that you still believe in Jehovah. That's what I emphasise to my relatives and it generally works.

    Unless of course you no longer believe in Jehovah, but thats your business.

  • JWdaughter

    Reading over these kinds of experiences makes me wonder about the JWs who try to guilt us back in after we have clearly and concisely told them why we had to leave and chose to make the break. Do they WANT people in there just to make families happy? Do they want insincere people cluttering up the halls, not paying their fair share (commonality among those who fade or go for wrong reasons-they don't pay up!), not raising their kids up 'properly' in the 'truth'? They want people in there that will falsify service reports and lie through their teeth about the 'truth' constantly just to maintain relationships? They really don't care what you know, what you believe and how you feel about the leadership. They want you to go to meetings regularly and look right in their eyes. I think every last JW that is encouraging that has so many doubts and wrong reasons for being there that they want you to be as miserable as they are. Or something. God, I am sick of hearing about these relatives who want us to go NO MATTER WHAT!!!! I think it is sick, sick, sick.

    I am not complaining about having to read the experiences, just pissed that we are all going through the same thing and shouldn't be. Its insane, and so predictable that it goes beyond just insanity.

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