ITHINKISEE Update: My fleshly JW sister says I am Satanic and dangerous

by ithinkisee 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheListener

    I am really sorry Ithinkisee.

    Hopefully something you said will eventually sink in.

    Good luck.

  • Mystla

    This is the conversation I've been dreading having with my mom or sisters.... I know it's coming and there is no ducking it, it's only a matter of time.

    I'm so sorry this happened for you, and during the holidays, too.


  • Scully
    I cannot be around someone who has turned their back on Jehovah. I need to protect my faith.

    I would have wondered out loud whether her faith was so weak that it couldn't handle being around someone who didn't share her beliefs. If she was so confident about having The Truth™, and you are not overtly doing anything to change her opinion, why is she so afraid of you?

    The other thing I would bring to her attention is if she loves you so much, why hasn't she taken any action to try to bring you back to The Truth™? Or is The Truth™ something she has to guard selfishly and keep to herself?

    It really gets under a JWs skin when you ask them things like these. It exposes big flaws in their logic.

  • HappyDad

    ITIS and FL...........

    Man, my heart goes out to you. Just more proof to me that this religion is fu@$ed up and dangerous even though it took me 30+ years to figure that out.

    Stay close to your family who loves you unconditionally.

    Gosh.......when I met you ITIS...I didn't see any evidence of horny protrusions coming out of your forehead. There was nothing Satanic about you at all. On the other hand...........I kinda thought you and the family were somewhat a "perfect" family.

    Stay humble and remain teachable to the real truth.


  • GoingGoingGone

    (((((((ithinkisee)))))) (((((((freedomloverr)))))) ((((((((your girls)))))))

    What a load of JW crap.... I'm sorry you guys are going through this now. But you never know, maybe you gave her something to think about by your calm, measured responses. Or not... Either way, you are giving your kids a normal life. How great is that??!!


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    All I can say is that your sister is brainwashed. There is nothing original in what she said to you. She said the same stupid things you or I would have said at one time. All you can do is hope and pray that someday she will wake up like you did. As for fornication to them fornication in a physical sense isn't as bad a being a spiritual fornicator. She probably views you as a spiritual fornicator whatever that is. (Try making a mental picture of that). Anyway I hope some day she will wake up and realize the horrible things the watchtower does to familes. All you can do is keep loving her no matter what she believes. That is something the Watchtower has no understanding of.

  • onlycurious

    ((((((( IthinkIsee))))))))

    Despite the conversation you had with your sister, I do hope you had a wonderful Christ-filled Christmas.

    Perhaps your gift was freedom?

    Know that you are loved and there are another set of footprints walking right beside you even when you don't see them.

    And when you are really down, he will carry you along the way.

  • JWdaughter

    I read so many sad conversations online here. I am sorry yours was another one in the pile. . .it would have been a crappy visit if she thinks you are in Satan's club now anyway. Good riddance and all that. She is missing out. There is hope for her yet-she is still breathing, and she has kids who will one day 'leave the fold'. I think that gets a lot of people reconsidering things.

  • Rabbit

    It seems like there's a lot of that E-coli WT Love ™ going around !

    Damn...the Governing Body flushes their toilet and all that crap flows down the pipeline into all the Kingdom Halls and the hearts and brains of the JW's.

    Last year around this time they flushed some 'Urgent Light' down the pipes to 'fear & loathe' JW's that walked away -- and my JW daughter accused me of being "an apostate" (can you imagine? ). I was sentenced to about 3 months of "emotional cutting off", "no natural affection" and that unique JW vocation of 'throwing people away'. Any JW is just a heart beat doubt away from being totally expendable. Parents, children, brothers & sisters, friends, spouses...anybody could be 'thrown away' at anytime -- all in the name of God and Love, of course!

    This seems the loving Governing Body has flushed some more crap down the pipes in the form of more hate literature. Again, I'm being "thrown away" by my JW kids. The WT hate machine has been on one of it's regular seasonal tirades psychopathic cheerleaders..."throw 'em away, throw 'em away...f-a-r away..."

    What a fine way to live your life...and to think...I helped TEACH them this s**t!


  • ilikegirls

    hi! my alias is ilikegirls and i am currently going through the same type of thing with my jw parents. at obne time thay did communicte with me but they havent since i expressed to them (in a sincere desire to be honest) that i would never return to the jw's. my sisters and my brother followed me out of the religion one by one and my parents blame the breakup of the family on me (i guess becuse i was the first one to have the stones to leave. post a reply to me if you would be so kind because im new at this chat room thing. it's good to know that othjer people are going through the same thing.....

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