Women are in subjection to their husbands and to the Elders!!!!!

by Gill 109 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    Judges 4:4 Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, she judged Israel at that time.

    Imagine an elder obeying Deborah and being sentenced by her.

  • LoverOfTruth

    Men Often use Religion in General to Keep Women Under Control. It's not jut the JWs.

  • twinkletoes

    This one must have been a good pal of the woman in Judges 9.

    Judges 5 v 24-27

    Jael the wife of Heber....will be most blessed among women.

    .. using a tent pin and a mallet she hammered and pierced Sisera's head and killed him......


  • Confession

    As in so many areas, maltreatment can have two partners: those who like to maltreat, and those who seem not to mind being maltreated.

    There were several times when this struck me as wrong while a JW. Like when I was a 13 year old kid at a meet for service and the sisters had to let me say the prayer--or worse yet, wrap a sweater around their head before praying in my presence. Seemed highly bizarre.

    Then there was a field conversation I got into, in which I was the only male in a cargroup of mostly older JW women. They were talking about some aspect of "headship" when I advanced the thought that perhaps in the new system--when everyone is perfect--women might have positions of authority. Seemed reasonable to me...but was I ever shouted down! Every one of those sisters said stuff like, "No, no! I would NEVER want the responsibilities the brothers take on. Let them handle things; they're better suited for it."

    Can you say "institutionalized"?

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    So if a woman is married, is she in subjection to both her husband and the elders? And which one predominates. I think the elders. One of the last times my daughter-in-law attended the Kingdom Hall, the elders asked her to go into the library because they wanted to discuss why our son (her husband) wasn't attending meetings. To her credit, she refused. When my son found out about it, his blood was boiling. That happened over a year ago and they have not tried since.

  • Elsewhere
    Men Often use Religion in General to Keep Women Under Control. It's not jut the JWs.

    Sit down and keep your mouth shut woman!

  • fokyc

    women, whether married or single, should submit to the headship of spiritually qualified men

    OK Gill, Now I understand why 'The City Overseer' jumped into bed with my daughter-in-law,

    my blood is boiling already. Lovely bunch aren't they. I haven't read the article yet, just going to.


  • Schism

    Ok, so let me get this straight:

    If women are supposed to treat men the way Jesus treated Jehovah, then the JW chicks might as well pray to men, since Jesus obviously prayed to Jehovah.

    And what scripture did they manage to pull out of their ass that says women are the roll models for the angels?!?! Hahaha, I love how those old turds just make this crap up as they go.

    I have GOT to get my sisters out of there one day!

  • Gill

    Wendy_Warden - Well now that you know that kind of demand is cultish behaviour, perhaps it's time for you to leave your church and go to one with less stupid ideas!

    After all, if you're not a jew and you're not a Catholic, then why put up with that kind of crap.....unless you like it, of course.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    I would NEVER want the responsibilities the brothers take on. Let them handle things; they're better suited for it."

    Can you say "institutionalized"?

    I remember "thinking" like this! GROSS!

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