Why do apostates lie about where they get their information?

by slimboyfat 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    It does no good. I don't understant it - who do they think they're foolin'?

    I have just been listening to the judicual committee that disfellowshipped Rick and Laverne Townsend and it is cringeworthy, to say the least, to listen to them cover-up, distort and outright lie about the sources of their information and the real background to their dissent.

    I know that people can often read through back copies of the WT publications, and it is certainly possible for people sometimes to stumble upon the same sorts of ridiculous statements to which to take objection. At the same time it is fair to say that apostates have a regular stock of favourite quotations and debating points to the extent that there is a clear network of dependence and "intertextuality" to use a snazy word, in apostate discourse, so that it is fairly easy to recognise someone who has immersed themselves in the discourses and been convinced by apostate "narratives", as it were.

    So why then the perennial insistence by so many apostates (such as is clearly the case with the Townsends) that all the problems in Watchtower history and chronology and history you spotted yourself, and never borrowed any of it from apostates or opposers? Why not just admit you read Jonsson and that that is where you convinced that the Witness chronology is wrong for this or that reason? Why not admit it was apostate literature that alerted you to the Kingdom Ministry that commened people for selling their homes before 1975. and so on? I have seen it so often from apostates that they really want to hide the fact that they got their new ideas from apostate literature. They are desperate to pretend that every point against the Watchtower they thought up themselves, every damning quote from 1906 - no matter how incredible that they actually sourced it themselves - they are adamant they found it through their own "research"? Why is this? Why not come clean and admit that you read some apostate literature and that is where you got the quotes and were alterted to the discrepancies? Where is the shame in that? I think it would be in the interest of all concerned.

    Who do you think you're foolin'?


  • Stephanus

    Why do idiots who frequent the internet apostate sites, and hence are as bad as apostates in the eyes of the WBTS, insist on calling their fellow travellers apostates. Try "ex-JWs", DimJimFatHead!

  • slimboyfat

    'Cos it winds you up.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Oddly enough, a lot of the information I looked at when I was leaving the lie was on Quotes, which is, of course, watchtower literature. I didn't have to look at much to realise what a load of crap the wts teachings really are.

  • Scully
    'Cos it winds you up.

    Are you admitting to being a troll, then? That's easily handled. Cheerio.

  • slimboyfat

    No, I am not admitting to being a troll.


  • Stephanus

    No, I am not admitting to being a troll.

    Yes he is! Get him, Scully!!!!


    Why is it Jehovah`s Witness`s will tell you about all thier hard earned research,when they are simply repeating WBT$ bullsh*t..Don`t they know thier not fooling anyone but themselves?...OUTLAW

  • slimboyfat

    Pathetic Stephanus - why can't you just engage with the ideas I have put forward?


  • Quandry

    I am willing to admit that I read apostate quotes. Many on this forum. That's how I learned about the UN and pedophiles in the organization. That, however, is not why I no longer go to the Kingdom Hall. I could have lived through the UN thing, even perverts, as I am sure other religious organizations have them.

    I was in the organization in 1975. Stay alive until 75 was the motto. But we were chastized because we had looked to dates (supplied by the WTS of course) but I could live through and did live through that.

    I was even on a Bible study and had a recently outdated LIVE FOREVER book, that said that the people who were in Sodom and Gomorrah would/would not be ressurected (I forget which) and the other person with me had a never version saying the opposite. Horrors!!! But I lived through that.

    I also read for myself the inside cover of the Awake magazine which for many years was instilling confidence in me (it said so) that the generation that was alive and able to discern what was happening in 1914 would not pass off the scene before Armageddon came.

    Then it said that it was instilling confidence in me that the ones who were merely alive (meaning babies, perhaps) when 1914 came would not pass off the earthly scene until God had made the earth a cleansed paradise.

    Then, in 1995, they shattered this confidence by stating that generation could have several different meanings, and could mean "the ones that see the events start to happen."

    But that is not even the reason that I no longer attend the K Hall and am probably viewed as apostate by many, although not df'd.

    It is because ruthless bullies took my sixteen year old child into a back room at the Hall and for over two hours tried to force her to admit to fornication because the chairman had made up a scenario that she had done this, even though he told my husband there was no accusation of such. She was lied to, humiliated, and berated until after midnight. She was called a liar because she would not admit to something she did not do. Finally, they made her read a scripture that she was filth in God's eyes, and would burn in the fire with the devil and his angels. They told her she was disfellowshipped, and if she was still disfellowshipped when Armageddon comes that she could take some comfort in knowing that God can read hearts.

    Can you imagine the effect this had on her? How many nights we were up with her, telling her that she deserved to live when she said that she wanted to die because these men had told her that even God had no love for her? That they treated a precious child that Jesus died for as unwanted garbage?

    When we complained to everyone, all the way to New York, we were written a pathetic letter that these men had "learned a lesson" and that now a division was being rent because we were not friends with them (of course we were the ones causing the division)

    What I cannot stomach is the lack of love and the overriding concern for image on the part of the WTS. So yes, I began to do investigations, and especially enjoyed the "Watchtower quotes" site. I am sure you are aware that these are quotes from the pages of WT magazines over the years. Very informative.

    So yep, count me in as one who reads apostate quotes. Thanks for asking.

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